Office of Student Activities
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

March 15, 2004
Date Submitted

Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Linkage:
Institutional Mission/Goal(s) Reference:
Texas A&M International University, a Member of The Texas A&M University System, is committed to the preparation of students for leadership roles in their chosen profession and in an increasingly complex, culturally diverse state, national, and global society… Through instruction, faculty and student research, and public service, Texas A&M International University is a strategic point of delivery for well-defined programs and services that improve the quality of life for citizens of the border region, the State of Texas, and national and international communities.

Administrative or Educational Support Unit Mission Statement:
The Office of Student Activities promotes students’ educational endeavors, career goals, and lifelong learning aspirations by providing opportunities for students to actively engage in meaningful student life activities.

Intended Administrative Objectives:

1. Identify programmatic needs and develop an implementation plan to encourage increased student participation in extracurricular activities.

2. Create a programming board that will provide the Campus with diverse entertainment and quality student oriented events. 

3. Improve the effectiveness of the Lead to Succeed conference by including departmental information for student organization officers and their advisors. 

4. Increase student participation in University Life Awards by 25%.




Office of Student Activities
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

March 15, 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

1.  Identify programmatic needs and develop an implementation plan to encourage increased student participation in extracurricular activities.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

1a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success

Create instruments that will determine to what extent students are involved in extracurricular activities (e.g. student organization questionnaire).

1a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
The Student Organization Questionnaire was created to access student input into programmatic needs.  This questionnaire was disseminated at the open house for the newly formed Office of Student Activities.  The majority of club memberrespondents indicated that they are interested in community service projects, need more information on such options, would like to more actively publicize student-initiated events, and would like assistance from the Office of Student Activities in numerous areas of development.

1a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
With this information, a baseline report has been initiated, which will identify yearly growth patterns, of student involvement.  A programmatic calendar has also been developed to identify annual events and project future development patterns. One result of this report has been that staff is actively promoting community service projects to all clubs and organizations.

Second Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
1b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Create a baseline report of student-initiated events to begin reporting yearly growth patterns of student involvement.

1b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
An active file is now available where the number and type of student activity is recorded for all active student clubs and organizations.  Of 45 student organizations, there were ninety recorded events from September 2003 to July 2004.

1b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Service:

There will continue to be an active record that will categorize student events into six different areas.  Within one year, a successful pattern should begin to emerge to determine growth patterns in different student activities.




Office of Student Activities
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

March 15, 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:
2.  Create a student-oriented programming board that will provide the Campus with diverse entertainment and quality student oriented events.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

2a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Reviewattendance records of Programming Board Planning Committee to determine extent of student involvement in planning process.

2a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:

The attendance records were collected from both the planning committee and the Interim Planning Board.  Student involvement was recorded for the planning committee meetings.  The current Interim Programming Board, which was initiated in June 2004, has seven student members and one faculty representative. 

2a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
Prior to 2004, SGA had a programming chair responsible for student-run events such as the Halloween Festival.  This changed with the inception of the student-run Programming Board.  Events are now being planned under the auspices of the new board, which encourages more active participation from students campus-wide.

Second Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
2b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:

Create programming board guidelines to outline board’s role and responsibilities.      

2b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
As reviewed in the Planning Committee’s minutes, the new programming board guidelines are written and being implemented by the Interim Programming Board.

2b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Service:

The planning process is now completed, and active participation will ensure.  For example, the Interim Programming Board is currently planning its first three events for Fall 2004, which include the Pep Rally, Rush Week, and Movie Night.




Office of Student Activities
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

March 15, 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

3.  Improve the effectiveness of the Lead to Succeed conference by including departmental information for student organization officers and their advisors.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

3a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Compare the program content from 2002-03 and 2003-04.

3a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
In Spring 2004, the Lead to Succeed program content was reviewed.  It was determined that there should be greater participation from TAMIU administrative offices to disseminate accurate information and encourage student participation.

3a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
Presentations were given by key staff members from the offices of Public Affairs, the Student Center, and the Office of Institutional Advancement for the spring 2004 seminar.  Students who attended these events gave positive feedback about the presentations.  As a result, future Lead to Succeed seminars will include staff presentations.



Office of Student Activities
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

March 15, 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

4.  Increase student participation in University Life Awards by 10%.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

4a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Compare attendance records from 2002-03 to 2003-04.

4a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Attendance records for 2002-03 were not available for comparison.  However, a baseline was started for the new Office of Student Activities with a total headcount for the University Life Awards 2004.  Two hundred ten (210) students registered at the event. Although there is way to determine if this is an increase in student attendance from the prior year, it is noted that the event had additional activities for students, which included more a formalized program, dignitaries as guests, and participatory student entertainment.

4a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
The baseline headcount will be used to plan for University Life Awards 2005. In addition, the program’s success will serve as a model for future student events of this magnitude.