Student Health Services
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 4, 2004
Date Submitted

Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Linkage:
Institutional Mission/Goal(s) Reference:
Texas A&M International University, a Member of The Texas A&M University System, is committed to the preparation of students for leadership roles in their chosen profession and in an increasingly complex, culturally diverse state, national, and global society…Through instruction, faculty and student research, and public service, Texas A&M International University is a strategic point of delivery for well-defined programs and services that improve the quality of life for citizens of the border region, the State of Texas, and national and international communities.

Administrative or Educational Support Unit Mission Statement:
The mission of the Department of Student Health Services is to provide a clinical response to the immediate health related needs of Texas A&M International University by providing assessment, diagnosis, treatment of disease and minor injuries, entrance physicals, and health information.

Intended Administrative Objectives:

1. The Department of Student Health Services will increase student utilization of department services.

2. The Department of Student Health Services will increase pharmacy utilization.

3. The Department of Student Health Services will provide health information to increase student awareness of a healthy lifestyle.





Student Health Services
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 4, 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:
NOTE:  There should be one form C for each intended objective listed on form B.  The intended unit objective should be restated in the box immediately below and the intended objective number entered in the blank space below

The Department of Student Health Services will increase student utilization of department services.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

1a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Achieve a 5% increase in patient utilization over last year’s outcome.

1a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Patient Utilization Reports indicate an increase of 23.8%.  Furthermore, the number of people contacted on campus through educational outreach and fairs increased this year by 140%.

1a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
Student Health has requested an Education Coordinator to expand educational outreach services even further.

Second Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
1b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Decrease by 5% the number of “dissatisfied” outcomes on the Student Opinion Survey.

1b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
The Student Opinion Survey was not utilized this semester.  However, departmental surveys indicate a dissatisfaction rating of 6.4% this year versus a rating of 13.6% from the Student Opinion Survey last year.  Although the instruments are different, this is viewed as a positive change and could possibly be interpreted as an improvement over last year’s results.

1b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Service:
The departmental survey probed for the source of the dissatisfaction.  One cause has been identified and is in the process of being remedied.






Student Health Services
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 4, 2004
Date Submitted

 June 4, 2004
(Date Submitted)

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

NOTE:  There should be one form C for each intended objective listed on form B.  The intended unit objective should be restated in the box immediately below and the intended objective number entered in the blank space below

2.  The Department of Student Health Services will increase pharmacy utilization.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

2a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
A first year assessment will be done to establish a baseline followed by a 5% increase the second year.

2a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Between September of 2003 through May 30, 2004, 105 prescriptions were filled for students at Student Health Services’ new Class D pharmacy.  This provides a baseline against which to measure increased utilization for next year.

2a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
At present, 87% of the patients surveyed that were seen by the Nurse Practitioner or physician received services from the department’s pharmacy.  This is an impressive beginning for a first time operation.  During orientation sessions as well as through educational outreach programs, the pharmacy will be marketed through the use of promotional items.

Second Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

2b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
A “Visit Survey” is being developed that will be given before the patient leaves to obtain satisfaction levels on pharmacy services.  This is a new instrument for our department and we are hoping to establish a benchmark.

2b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
98.4% of patients that received medication from the pharmacy and were surveyed were pleased with the services received.

2b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Service:
Survey has been redesigned to probe additional parameters of satisfaction or dissatisfaction based on factors such as convenience, price, and availability.




Student Health Services
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2003 to August 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 4, 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

NOTE:  There should be one form C for each intended objective listed on
form B.  The intended unit objective should be restated in the box immediately below and the intended objective number entered in the blank space below

3.  The Department of Student Health Services will provide health information to increase student awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

3a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
The “Visit Survey” will have questions regarding the exchange of health information between the student and staff.  This will be tallied and will indicate the percentage of patients that receive health education information.  The goal is for 80% of patients that consult with either the nurse practitioner or physician will be given health information.

3a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
One hundred percent of patients surveyed that consulted with either the nurse practitioner or physician indicated that they had received health or healthy lifestyle information during their visit.

3a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
Student Health Services has purchased additional brochures in order to provide the patient with a “hard copy” of the information shared verbally.  Examples of topics include the need for vitamin supplementation for women of childbearing years to prevent birth defects, the need for annual pap smears for women, as well as monthly breast/testicular exams, and prevention of osteoporosis.