International Language Institute (ILI)                                              

(Administrative or Educational Support Unit)

September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004

(Assessment Period Covered)    

September 7, 2004

(Date Submitted)

Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Linkage:

Institutional Mission/Goal(s) Reference:

Texas A&M International University, a Member of the Texas A&M University System, is committed to the preparation of students for leadership roles in their chosen profession and in an increasingly complex, culturally diverse state, national, and global society…

Through instruction, faculty and student research, and public service, Texas A&M International University is a strategic point of delivery for well-defined programs and services that improved the quality of life for citizens of the border region, the State of Texas, and national and international communities.


Administrative or Educational Support Unit Mission Statement:
The International Language Institute (ILI) is committed to the international and public service agenda of the University which states that “…Texas A&M International University is a strategic point of delivery for well-defined programs and services that improve the quality of life for citizens of the border regions, the State of Texas, and national and international communities.”  As such, the ILI serves this University’s admissions, recruitment and pre-academic needs by offering quality English as a Second Language (ESL) courses to current and prospective university students.  In addition, the ILI serves the greater community by offering language instruction in English, Spanish, French and Italian to students and border residents who wish to study these for social or professional reasons.  In addition to the language instruction, the ILI office recruits, advises, tests, admits, and registers ILI students.








Intended Administrative Objectives:


1. International Language Institute (ILI) students exiting the final level of ESL (level 106) will achieve a targeted level of language proficiency.



2. Current ILI students will be satisfied with the student services provided by the ILI office.



3. Prospective ILI students will be satisfied with the services provided by the ILI office.















































International Language Institute (ILI)

(Administrative or Educational Support Unit)

September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004
(Assessment Period Covered)

September 7, 2004

(Date Submitted)

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

1. International Language Institute (ILI) students exiting the final level of ESL (level 106) will achieve a targeted level of language proficiency.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:


1a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Administer the CELSA exam to students who are finishing ESL level 106 and will be exiting the program. The CELSA exam is an English Language Skills Assessment test.

70% of the level 106 students tested will score 89 or higher on the CELSA exam.

1a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:

During the 2003/2004 academic year, 16 students completed ESL 106 level and exited the program.  Upon completion of the course, the CELSA exam was administered to them.  Eight (8) students or 50% achieved the required exit score of 89 points or higher.  The lowest score was 83, which is only 6 points below the targeted score. The highest score was 97 or 8 point above the targeted score.


N = 16

M = 88.6

Met objective = 50%

1a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:

The CELSA exam proved to be a better testing tool for our ESL students than the Michigan Placement Test (MPT) used in prior years. Although the results of the CELSA exam fell short of the targeted goal of 70% passing rate, the current numbers (50% passing) have shown quite an improvement over last year’s results (27% passing). The ILI will continue to use this standardized test as a measure to test the global language ability of our students.





Second Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:

1b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:

Students finishing ESL level 106 will write a persuasive essay. 70% of the students will achieve a score of 75 or better on the ESL Composition Profile.


1b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
The final essays of the 16 students who completed ESL level 106 were evaluated using the ESL Composition Profile.  Each essay was graded by two instructors, and a final average was calculated for each student.  81% (13 of 16) of the students received a score of 75 or higher. The mean was 85.12. The highest score was 97; the lowest 69.



M = 85.12

Met objective = 81%


1b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Service:

The objective was met. The ILI will continue to use this means of assessment to measure writing ability of ESL students.



Third Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:


1c. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Students exiting ESL level 106 will deliver a power-point aided oral presentation.

70% of the students will achieve a 4 (good) or higher on a locally generated 5-point rubric.


1b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Of the 16 students finishing ESL level 106 in 2003-2004, 14 gave a power-point presentation. The other two students were not in the intensive ESL program but in combined 105/106 semi-intensive class, which did not do final power-point presentations. The 14 presentations were graded by a committee of three graders.  Each student received three individual scores, which were averaged to a final score. 100% received a 4 (good) or better on their final score. The lowest final score was 4.01; the highest 4.71. The average score was 4.375.


N = 14

M = 4.375

Met objective = 100%



1b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Service:

The objective was met, but there is still room for improvement.  Although 100% of the students who gave oral presentations received a 4 or better on their averaged final score, not all individual scores were 4.  Also, 2 of the 16 students did not give presentations.  To improve results, the oral presentation exit requirement needs to be applied to all students exiting ESL 106.



International Language Institute

(Administrative or Educational Support Unit)

September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004
(Assessment Period Covered)

September 7, 2004

(Date Submitted)

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

Current ILI students will be satisfied with the student services provided by the ILI office

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:


2a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Administer a locally generated student service questionnaire to current students.

80% of all respondents will indicate a rating of good (4) or higher on a 5-point scale.

2a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:

Of all the questionnaires given to current students, 76 were returned. Since each questionnaire asked 6 questions, N=456 (76x6=456).  Of the 456 responses only 30 indicated a rating of 3 or below, 426 responses or 93.4% of all responses rated the services provided by the ILI office at a 4 (good) or better on a 5-point scale



M= 4.49

Met objective = 93.4%


2a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
The objective was met. Results show that current students are satisfied with the customer service provided by the ILI staff.  Although the average mean of the individual questions 1 through 6 were above 4, some were somewhat lover than others.

Students gave somewhat lover scores to question 1 (efficiency of registration) and 3 (student handbook). The objective for next year will be to improve registration procedures and the student handbook.




International Language Institute

(Administrative or Educational Support Unit)

September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004
(Assessment Period Covered)

September 7, 2004

(Date Submitted)

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

Prospective ILI students will be satisfied with the student services provided by the ILI office.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:


3a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Administer a locally generated student service questionnaire to prospective students.

80% of all respondents will indicate a rating of good (4) or higher on a 5-point scale.


3a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Of all the questionnaires given out to prospective students throughout the year, 109 were returned.  The results for each of the five questions were tabulated. The total number of answers received was 544 (109 X5= 545, minus 1 question left unanswered = 544).  Of those 544 answers only 21 showed a score of 3 or below. That means that 96% of the prospective students rated the services provided by the ILI office as good (4) or better.


N = 544

M = 4.65

Met objective = 96%

3a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
The objective was met. However, the number of questionnaires received does not adequately reflect the number of students served throughout the year.  Our new objective will be to increase the number of questionnaires received by encouraging all prospective students to fill in a questionnaire upon their visit to the ILI office.