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Office of Admissions
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 1, 2002 to August 31, 2003
Assessment Period Covered     

July 28, 2003
Date Submitted

Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Linkage:
Institutional Mission/Goal(s) Reference:
Texas A&M International University, a Member of the Texas A&M University System, is committed to the preparation of students for leadership roles in their chosen profession and in an increasingly complex, culturally diverse state, national, and global society… Through instruction, faculty and student research, and public service, Texas A&M International University is a strategic point of delivery for well-defined programs and services that improve the quality of life for citizens of the border region, the State of Texas, and national and international communities.

Administrative or Educational Support Unit Mission Statement:
The role of the Admissions Office is to provide a seamless process of applying, being accepted, and initiating the desired degree program for all classifications.  Receiving and entering admission applications, monitoring test score receipts, and collecting all other pertinent admission and academic documents to complete a folder for acceptance is the number one priority of the Admissions Office’s process.

Intended Administrative Objectives:

1. Students should not experience complications in applying to Texas A&M International University.

2. Application materials will be functional.

3. First-year college students will experience a smooth transition into their first semester by on-site registration at their high school.





Office of Admissions
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2002 to August 2003
Assessment Period Covered

July 28, 2003
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

1.Student should not experience complications in applying to Texas A&M International University.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
1a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
A locally developed questionnaire provided to each applicant upon acceptance will indicate 90% of questionnaires returned rate ease of applying good or better.

1a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Of the total surveys returned, 82% rated the admissions procedures as good or better.

1a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
Criteria were not met.  Admissions application, brochures, and procedures will be evaluated and modified in the coming year to increase the ease of the application process.

Second Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
1b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Questions #12 of the Spring 2003 Student Opinion Survey will indicate 80% level of satisfaction with general admission procedures.

1b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
The respondents in the Spring 2003 Student Opinion Survey indicated a 66.9% level of satisfaction with the admissions procedures.

1b. Use of results to Improve Unit Services:
Criteria were not met.  Admissions applications, brochures, and procedures will be evaluated and modified in the coming year to increase the ease of the application process.




Office of Admissions
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 2002 to August 2003
Assessment Period Covered

July 28, 2003
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

2.Application materials will be functional.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
2a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Selected peer focus group of university admission counterparts will be mailed to all Texas A&M International University application materials and will provide 80% response of satisfaction with our printed materials.

2a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Survey results from peer focus groups of counterparts indicated 83% were satisfied or better with our printed materials.

2a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
Criteria for success were attained.  All comments or suggestions will be taken into consideration so that we can improve our application materials. 

Second Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
2b. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Question #15 of the Spring 2003 Student Opinion Survey (College catalog/admission publication) will rate our application materials at an 80% or higher level of satisfaction.

2b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Enter text here, remove if blank

b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Service:

2b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
Of the respondents to the Spring 2003 Student Opinion Survey, 70.1% indicated that they were satisfied or better with the admissions procedure.

2b. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
The criteria for success were not attained. Admissions publications and materials will be reviewed to improve admissions procedures for incoming students.



Office of Admissions
Administrative or Educational Support Unit

September 1, 2002 to August 31, 2003
Assessment Period Covered

July 28, 2003
Date Submitted

Intended Administrative or Educational Support Objective:

3. First-year college students will experience a smooth transition into their first semester by on-site registration at their high school.

First Means of Assessment for Objective Identified Above:
3a. Means of Unit Assessment & Criteria for Success:
Locally developed questionnaire will indicate that 80% of accepted students will rate the on-site registration process good or excellent.

3a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected
Of the total surveys returned, 98% rated the on-site registration process as good or excellent.

3a. Use of Results to Improve Unit Services:
The results of the surveys superseded the criteria for success.  The Office of Admissions will continue to provide assistance to first-year college students through on-site registration.



Enter any document referenced above in this summary table.  There are two examples listed below. If no documents are cited, please remove the two examples from the table. 


LOCATION/Special Instructions

Locally Developed Questionnaire
(Ease of Applying)

SACS Resource Room
Killam Library Building Room 334-C

Spring 2003 Student Opinion Survey

SACS Resource Room
Killam Library Building Room 334-C

Peer Focus Group
(Admission Counterparts)

SACS Resource Room
Killam Library Building Room 334-C

Locally Developed Questionnaire
(On-Site Registration)

SACS Resource Room
Killam Library Building Room 334-C