Master of Science in Education with a major in Educational Administration (MS-Ed)
Instructional Degree Program

Spring 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 2004
Date Submitted

Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Linkage
Institutional Mission Reference
Texas A&M International University, a Member of the Texas A&M University system, is committed to the preparation of students for leadership roles in their chosen profession and in an increasingly complex, culturally diverse state, national, and global society … Through instruction, faculty and students research, and public service, Texas A&M International University is a strategic point of delivery for will-defined program and services that improve the quality of life for citizens of the border region, the State of Texas, and national and international communities.

College/University Goal(s) Supported
The principal focus of the Department of Professional Programs is to provide graduate students with quality instruction for obtaining a Masters Degree in Educational Administration, counseling, and certification for school counselor, principal, and superintendent.  All graduates of the Masters Degree Program in Educational Administration will have developed a depth of understanding in their field.

Intended Educational (Student) Outcomes
1. Graduate students completing the Principal Preparation Program in Educational Administration will be well prepared to successfully enter the field of school administration and possess the basic knowledge to serve as the school community leader.

2. Graduate students completing the Principal Preparation Program will be well prepared to successfully enter the field of school administration and possess the basic knowledge to serve as the school Instructional leader.

3. Graduate students completing the Principal Preparation Program will be well prepared to successfully enter the field of school administration and possess the basic knowledge to serve as the school administrative leader.







Master of Science in Education with a major in Educational Administration (MS-Ed)
Instructional Degree Program

Spring 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Educational (Student) Outcome
NOTE: There should be one form for each intended outcome listed.  The intended outcome should be restated in the box immediately below and the intended outcome number entered in the blank spaces.

1. Graduate students completing the Principal Preparation Program in Educational Administration will be well prepared to successfully enter the field of school administration and possess the basic knowledge to serve as the school community leader.

First Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above
1a. Means of Program Assessment & Criteria for Success
All graduate students in the Principal Preparation Program taking the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) state exam for principal certification (68) will have a cumulative passing rate of 70% cumulative in Domain I (school community leadership).

1a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected:
In Domain I, school community leadership, the TExES results for February 2004 indicate an 85.7% passing rate for Principal Preparation Program completers.

1a. Use of Results to Improve Instructional Program:
The Educational Administration faculty, after reviewing the TExES results, agreed on the following strategies: 1. Continue emphasis on the field and course activities that help students apply their knowledge about school community leadership.  2.  Continue research activities in the classroom that emphasize learning in school and community relations.  3.  TExES examinees must have completed or be enrolled in EDAM 5317 and must attain a minimum 70% pass rate in each domain of our TExES practice test before taking the real exam. 4. Edam 5317 will be taught by the team of Educational Administration professors targeting areas of deficiency.

Second Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above
1b. Means of Program Assessment & Criteria for Success
Using the rubric developed by the Department of Professional Programs for portfolio assessment, 90% of students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Domain I (school and community relations) by providing support evidence of completed artifacts addressing competencies using the following categories of activities:

I. Field-based activities (shadowing, internships, interviews, campus/community leadership);
II. Staff development (report on conference workshop, member of professional organization, personalization skills);
III. Active research (field empirical study, literature review study, position/reflection paper, selected readings/book review);
IV. Presentations (poster research presentation, class multi-media presentations, presentations for campus, district and/or other educational organizations).

1b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected
100% of the students graduating in Spring 2004 (12) demonstrated mastery of Domain I through documents presented in their portfolio.  Initially 83% of the Portfolios were found acceptable.  The rest were revised and re-submitted and were then found acceptable.

1b. Use of Results to Improve Instructional Program
The Educational Administration faculty, after reviewing the results of the TExES, agreed that a portfolio document be required for each class and that the following classes address activities in applicable aspects of Domain I:  EDAM 5301, EDAM5303, EDGR 5308, EDAM 5313, EDAM 5320, EDAM 5322, EDAM 5325, EDAM 5327, EDAM 5332,  EDAM5335, and EDAM5336.

Third Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above
1c. Means of Program Assessment & Criteria for Success
80% of the students in Educational Administration completing a Practicum Course will score a 4 or better (on a scale of 0-5 with 5 being outstanding) on the Site Supervisor Evaluation Report.

1c. Summary of Assessment Data Collected
50% (4/8) of the students completing a Practicum class in Spring 2004 scored a 4 or better on the Site Supervisor Evaluation Report.

1c. Use of Results to Improve Instructional Program
The Educational Administration faculty, after reviewing the results of the Site Supervisor Evaluation Reports, agreed to revise the Site Supervisor Evaluation Report to clarify the ratings categories in keeping with categories with which principals are quite familiar: 5 = exemplary; 4 = exceeds expectations; 3 = meets expectations;

2 = below expectations; and 1 = unsatisfactory.

The professor assigned to the practicum will clarify and explain the categories listed above at the beginning of the semester for that class.  In addition, skills that the professors in this department have attained in assessing school administrators, such as SASA and TAP, will be used to better serve these students.






Master of Science in Education with a major in Educational Administration (MS-Ed)
Instructional Degree Program

Spring 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Educational (Student) Outcome
NOTE: There should be one form for each intended outcome listed.  The intended outcome should be restated in the box immediately below and the intended outcome number entered in the blank spaces.

2. Graduate students completing the Masters program in Educational Administration will be well prepared to successfully enter the field of school administration and maintain a working knowledge of how to serve as the school instructional leader.

First Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above
2a. Means of Program Assessment & Criteria for Success
All graduate students in the Principal Preparation Program taking the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) state exam for principal certification (68) will have a cumulative passing rate of 70% in Domain II (Instructional Leadership).

2a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected
In Domain II, Instructional Leadership, the TExES results for the February 2004 indicate a 43% passing rate for Program completers.

2a. Use of Results to Improve Instructional Program
The Educational Administration faculty, after reviewing the TExES results, agreed on the following strategies:

    1. Continue the field and course activities that help students apply their knowledge about instructional leadership.
    2. Continue research activities in the classroom that emphasize knowledge of instructional leadership. 
    3. Educational Administration professor will team-teach EDAM 5317 by areas of deficiency.
    4. Students will need to attain a 70% pass rate on each of the TExES practice test domains to be allowed to take the real TExES and to also be completers to do so.   

Second Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above
2b. Means of Program Assessment & Criteria for Success
Using the rubric developed by the Department of Professional Programs for portfolio assessment, 90% of students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Domain II (instructional leadership) by providing supporting evidence of completed artifacts addressing competencies using the following categories of activities:

I.  Field-based activities (shadowing, internships, interviews, campus/community leadership);
II. Staff development (report on conference workshop, member of professional organization, personalization skills);
III.  Active research (field empirical study, literature review study, position/reflection paper, selected readings/book review);
IV. Presentations (poster research presentation, class multi-media presentations, presentations for campus, district and/or other educational organizations).

2b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected
100% of the students graduating in the May 2004 (12) demonstrated mastery of Domain II through documents presented in their portfolio.

2b. Use of Results to Improve Instructional Program
The Educational Administration faculty after reviewing the results of the Portfolio Assessment, agreed that a portfolio document be required for each class and that the following classes address activities in Domain II:  EDAM 5301, EDAM5303, EDAM5305, EDGR 5308, EDAM 5313, EDAM5320, EDGR 5320, EDAM5325, EDAM5327 and EDAM 5332, EDGR 5330, and EDAM 5335&5336. The Portfolio Assessment for Domain II will be reviewed to have a higher correlation with results.




Master of Science in Education with a major in Educational Administration (MS-Ed)
Instructional Degree Program

Spring 2004
Assessment Period Covered

June 2004
Date Submitted

Intended Educational (Student) Outcome
NOTE: There should be one form for each intended outcome listed.  The intended outcome should be restated in the box immediately below and the intended outcome number entered in the blank spaces.

3. Graduate students completing the Principal Preparation Program in Educational Administration will be well prepared to successfully enter the field of school administration and possess the basic knowledge to serve as the school administrative leader.

First Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above
3a. Means of Program Assessment & Criteria for Success
All graduate students in the Principal Preparation Program taking the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) state exam for principal certification (68) will have a passing rate of 70% cumulative in Domain III (administrative leadership).

3a. Summary of Assessment Data Collected
In Domain III, administrative management, the TExES results for February 2004 indicate an 85.7% passing rate for Program completers.

3a. Use of Results to Improve Instructional Program
The Educational Administration faculty, after reviewing the TExES results, agreed on the following strategies:

1. Continue the field and course activities that help students apply their knowledge in administrative leadership.
2. Continue research activities in the classroom that emphasize knowledge of administrative leadership.
3. Educational Administration professors will team–teach Edam 5317 by areas of deficiency.
4. Students will need to attain at least a 70% passing rate in each domain of the practice test before going on to the real test and be completers.

Second Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above
3b. Means of Program Assessment & Criteria for Success
Using the rubric developed by the Department of Professional Programs for portfolio assessment, 90% of students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Domain III (administrative leadership) by providing supporting evidence of completed artifacts addressing competencies using the following categories of activities:

I.  Field-based activities (shadowing, internships, interviews, campus/community leadership);
II. Staff development (report on conference workshop, member of professional organization, personalization skills);
III. Active research (field empirical study, literature review study, position/reflection paper, selected readings/book review);
IV. Presentations (poster research presentation, class multi-media presentations, presentations for campus, district and/or other educational organizations).

3b. Summary of Assessment Data Collected
100% of the students graduating in May 2004 (12) demonstrated mastery of Domain III through documents presented in their portfolio.

3b. Use of Results to Improve Instructional Program
The Educational Administration faculty after reviewing the results of the Portfolio Assessment, agreed that a portfolio document be required for each class and that the following classes address activities in Domain III:  EDAM5301, EDAM 5303, EDAM 5305, EDGR 5308, EDAM5313, EDAM 5320, EDAM5322, , EDAM5325, EDAM 5327,  EDAM 5332, and EDAM 5335 & EDAM 5336.



LOCATION/Special Instructions

Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES)


Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas (ExCET)


Department of Professional Programs’ Rubric

     Appendix A

Portfolio Assessment

     Appendix B

Site Supervisor Evaluation Report

     Appendix C