Bi-Weekly Payroll Processing


Bi-Weekly Payroll Processing

For biweekly payrolls (part-time, college work-study, and full time employees) payroll records are initially loaded into the "hours" data base. This file is the source of the hourly payroll preparation report (HPPR). This report is generated at the beginning of each biweekly payroll cycle and is to be used to collect and organize the hours worked for the employees to be paid for the payroll period. The biweekly payroll period starts on a Thursday and ends on a Wednesday covering ten (10) days.

1. HPPR'S are produced normally on Thursday and we receive them on Fridays. We prepare for disbursement on fridays. Release the HPPR'S by department head on Mondays. They are sent interoffice mail along with their time cards in our large red envelopes. Outside the envelope is a statement that reads as follows.


2. The department heads must make sure that time cards are signed and totaled. Leave forms must be submitted to Human Resources to match the time cards. Anyone having payroll deduction, will have their hours adjusted. A copy of the payroll deduction form will be sent to the employee (blue copy) to notify them of the deduction and the golden rod copy is sent to Human Resources. The department heads makes sure that all those employee listed on the HPPR report fall under them. They then transfer the total hours onto the HPPR report and enter a grand total at the end and signs it. They then send the HPPR report along with the time cards to the payroll office KL 159 hand delivered.

3. The HPPR report has a due date stamped on it. The report must reach the payroll office on this particular day, usually on a Thursday, for time cards must be posted by the following day, Friday (Pre-validation). On Thursday, all time cards are verified for errors and signatures. All signatures (employees and department heads) must be on the time cards. If not, that employee or department head must be called in to sign in person. Any payroll deduction must have a leave form to match. If not, we contact Human Resources.

4. By Friday (Pre-Validation), everything must be ready for posting. Time cards must all be collected, totaled, signed and verified. HPPR's must be totaled and signed. Input of the B/W hours are done around one o'clock in the afternoon so all time-cards and HPPR'S must be in on time. Hours are input on the screen BPP/PM (PH prepare hourly).

5. On Monday (B/W changes - validation), we receive a report that shows us the input of hours we have done on Friday's pre-validation. Only B/W hours show up in this report. We verify these hours against our HPPR report to make sure total hours entered matches the hours printed on the validation report. Two types of errors are detailed on the P-2-Pay (permission to pay) fatal error report. Error messages beginning with an "ERR" are fatal; The records with this type of an error message will not be processed by the payroll calculation program. These records will not generate a payment to the employee unless the error is corrected. Error messages beginning with a "WRN" are warning that indicate a payment will be made for this record. Warnings are usually names which are not matching with Human Resources. Any supplemental payrolls will not show up until the following day (PAY-CAL).

6. On Tuesday (PAY-CAL) we receive a report that is verified again against our previous report from Monday. We make sure wage hours are correct and that we did not miss anyone new. Updates and corrections are made in the P-2-Pay date base via the add source (AS), correct source (CS) and delete source (DS) functions on the payroll maintenance function selection screen. If corrections were made again, a second report (recap report) is produced at lunch time to verify that there is sufficient funding available, especially for the portions of the payroll to be paid from state funds, in order to cover the payroll costs and the the corrections that were made come out right. We also check all the Supplement Payrolls we have running on that particular B/W payroll. We expect another report by lunch time. Once the gross pay has been verified we call into B/P/P (TRACI) and say her we are ready for PAY-CALC.