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A Time for
and a Clearer
Message from the President
If April is the cruelest month,
December inspires deepest reflection.
A year we now know well is about to
pass away forever; one we can as yet
only imagine will soon begin. In his
last speech, near the end of Goethe’s
immortal epic, Faust proclaims the
beauty of years remembered:
Then, to the moment I might say:
Abide, you are so fair!
The traces of my earthly days
No aeons can impair.
One moment and all the moments of
earthly days:  “You are so fair!” 
And by many measures, 2011 has been a very fair year at Texas
A&M International University.  Our enrollment reached an all-time
high at 7040. (Jordan Gibson, our 7000th student  and a Canadian,
proudly adorns the cover of this report.) Our facilities have never
shone more brightly, enriched immeasurably by the opening of
the Helen Richter Watson Gallery. Student commitment to life on
campus and to our community has never been more expansive. Our
athletic teams began another year of conference championships.
Our first cohort of systems engineers graduates this spring, and a
campus-wide program in leadership becomes part of the academic
program in the second semester.
At the same moment the University marks many historic
achievements, deep cuts in funding from the State present
unprecedented challenges. We began classes in September, 2011