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Faculty Senate: 1994-1995


Senate Officers:

Dr. Clifford Dorne, At-Large Representative, President

Dr. Charlotte Torres, School of Nursing, Vice-president

Dr. Stephen Lunce, At-Large Representative, Secretary

Dr. Henry Smith, Accounting & Information Systems, Parliamentarian



Dr. Richard Johnson, At-Large Representative

Dr. Nasser Momayezi, Criminal Justice, History, and Political Science

Dr. Jack Hazlerig, English, Fine Arts & Foreign Language

Dr. Todd Russell, Psychology & Sociology

Dr. Barry Carr, Economics & Finance

Dr. Michael Landeck, Management & Marketing

Dr. Cathy Sakta, Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Roberto Perez, Professional Programs

Dr. Ralph Hausman, Special Populations

Dr. Henry Crowson, Natural Science

Mr. Gary Woods, Library

Mr. Sam Touchet, Student, ex-officio


Faculty Senate: 1995-1996


Senate Officers:

Dr. Stephen Lunce, At-Large Representative, President

Dr. Charlotte Torres, School of Nursing, Vice-President

Dr. Jeffrey Cass, English, Fine Arts & Foreign Language, Secretary

Dr. Henry Smith, Accounting & Information Systems, Parliamentarian



Dr. Kurt Jesswein, At-Large Representative

Dr. Richard Johnson, At-Large Representative

Dr. Linda Medearis, At-Large Representative

Dr. Nasser Momayezi, Criminal Justice, History & Political Science

Dr. Todd Russell, Psychology & Sociology

Dr. Barry Carr, Economics & Finance

Dr. Michael Landeck, Management & Marketing

Dr. Cathy Sakta, Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Roberto Perez, Professional Programs

Dr. Ralph Hausman, Special Populations

Dr. Henry Crowson, Natural Science

Ms. Verla Peterson, Library

Mr. Michael Long, Student, ex-officio


Faculty Senate: 1996-1997


Senate Officers:

Dr. Stephen Lunce, At-Large Representative, President

Dr. Nasser Momayezi, Criminal Justice, History & Political Science, Vice-President

Dr. Jeffrey Cass, English, Fine Arts & Foreign Language, Secretary

Dr. Henry Smith, Accounting & Information Systems, Parliamentarian



Dr. Cecilia Garza, At-Large Representative

Dr. Kurt Jesswein, At-Large Representative

Dr. Linda Medearis, At-Large Representative

Dr. Todd Russell, Psychology & Sociology

Dr. Stephanie Smith, Economics & Finance

Dr. James Giermanski, Management & Marketing

Dr. Cathy Sakta, Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Roberto Perez, Professional Programs

Dr. Ralph Hausman, Special Populations

Dr. Henry Crowson, Natural Science

Dr. Susan Baker, School of Nursing

Ms. Verla Peterson, Library

Mr. Michael Long, Student, ex-officio


Faculty Senate: 1997-1998


Senate Officers:

Dr. Henry Smith, Accounting & Information Systems, President

Dr. Nasser Momayezi, Criminal Justice, History, & Political Science, Vice-president

Dr. Cecilia Garza, At-Large Representative, Secretary

Ms. Verla Peterson, Library, Parliamentarian



Dr. Jeffrey Cass, English, Fine Arts & Foreign Language

Dr. Kurt Jesswein, At-Large Representative

Dr. Linda Medearis, At-Large Representative

Dr. Todd Russell, Psychology & Sociology

Dr. Stephanie Smith, Economics & Finance

Dr James Giermanski, Management & Marketing

Dr. Cathy Sakta, Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Ramon Alaniz, Professional Programs

Dr. Brigido Lopez, Special Populations

Dr. Sanjay Rai, Natural Science

Dr. Susan Baker, School of Nursing

Mr. Arturo Sanchez, Student, ex-officio


Faculty Senate: 1998-1999


Senate Officers:

Dr. Jeffrey D. Cass, President, English, Fine Arts & Foreign Languages

Dr. Cecilia Garza, Vice-President and At-Large Representative, Psychology & Sociology

Dr. Faridoun Farrokh, Secretary, At-Large Representative

Dr. Stephanie Smith, Parliamentarian, Economics and Finance



Dr. Michael Yoder, At-Large Representative

Dr. Ray Keck, At-Large Representative, Language, Literature and Arts

Dr. Todd Russell, Psychology and Sociology

Dr. Nasser Momayezi, Social Sciences

Dr. Jacqueline L. Power, Accounting and Information Systems

Dr. James Giermanski, Management and Marketing

Dr. Bambi L. Bailey, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Ramon Alaniz, Professional Programs

Dr. David Herrington, Special Populations

Mr. John Maxstadt, Library

Dr. Sanjay Rai, Natural Sciences

Dr. Susan Baker, School of Nursing


Faculty Senate: 1999-2000


Senate Officers:

Dr. Ramon Alaniz, President, Special Populations

Dr. Michael Landeck, Vice-President, Management and Marketing

Dr. Carol Waters, Secretary, At-Large Representative, Social Sciences

Mr. John Maxstadt, Parliamentarian, Library



Dr. Stephanie Smith, At-Large Representative , Economics and Finance

Dr. Michael Yoder, At-Large Representative, Social Sciences

Dr. Jeffrey Cass, Language, Literature and Arts

Dr. Jeffrey Brown, Psychology and Sociology

Dr. Beau Duncan, Social Sciences

Dr. Ray Keck, At-Large Representative, Language, Literature and Arts*

Dr. Jacqueline Power, Accounting and Information Systems

Dr. Antonio Rodriguez, Economics and Finance

Dr. Bambi L. Bailey, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Humberto Gonzalez, Professional Programs

Dr. Terry Shepherd, Special Populations

Dr. Susan Baker, School of Nursing


• Dr. Frances Rhodes, At-Large Representative, Language, Literature and Arts, replaced Dr. Keck in Spring 2000 when Dr. Keck became Provost.


Faculty Senate: 2000-2001


Senate Officers:

Dr. Jeffrey D. Cass, President, Language, Literature and Arts

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Vice-President, Language, Literature and Arts

Dr. Bambi Bailey, Secretary, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Firooz Khosraviyani, Parliamentarian, Natural Sciences



Dr. Michael Yoder, At-Large Representative

Dr. Kimberly Folse, Psychology and Sociology

Dr. Mohamed A. Ben-Ruwin, Social Sciences

Dr. Jacqueline Power, Accounting and Information Systems

Dr. Antonio Rodriguez, At-Large Representative, Economics and Finance

Dr. Michael Patrick, Economics and Finance

Dr. Michael Landeck, Management and Marketing

Dr. Humberto Gonzalez, Professional Programs

Dr. Terry L. Shepherd, Special Populations

Ms. Renee J. LaPerriere de Gutierrez, Library

Dr. Doris J. Rosenow, School of Nursing

Dr. Carol Waters, At-Large Representative, Social Sciences


Faculty Senate: 2001-2002


Senate Officers:

Dr. Michael Landeck, President, Management and Marketing

Dr. Kimberly A. Folse, Vice-President, Psychology and Sociology

Dr. Cecilia Garza, Secretary, At-Large Representative, Psychology and Sociology

Dr. Michael S. Yoder, Parliamentarian, At-Large Representative, Social Sciences



Dr. Mohammed A. Ben-Ruwin, Social Sciences

Dr. Cathy L. Guerra, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Humberto Gonzalez, Professional Programs

Dr. Robert Haynes, Language, Literature and Arts

Dr. Firooz Khosraviyani, Natural Sciences

Ms. Renee J. LaPerriere de Gutierrez, Library

Dr. Stephen E. Lunce, Accounting and Information Systems

Dr. Van V. Miller, Economics and Finance

Dr. Frances Rhodes, At-Large Representative, Language and Literature

Dr. Doris J. Rosenow, School of Nursing

Dr. Terry L. Shepherd, Special Populations

Dr. Carol Waters, At-Large Representative, Social Sciences

Dr. Richard Wright, Fine and Performing Arts

Mr. Joseph Holland, Student, ex-officio


Faculty Senate: 2002-2003


Senate Officers:

Dr. Kimberly Folse, President, Psychology & Sociology

Dr. Steve Lunce, Vice-President, Accounting & Information Systems

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Secretary, At-Large

Dr. Michael Yoder, Parliamentarian, At-Large



Dr. Mohamed A. Ben-Ruwin, Social Sciences

Dr. Sean M. Chadwell, At-Large

Dr. Humberto Gonzalez, Professional Programs

Dr. Cathy Guerra-Sakta, Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Robert Haynes, Languages & Literature

Dr. Pedro Hurtado, Management & Marketing

Dr. Hamid R. Kusha, At-Large

Ms. Renee LaPerriere de Gutierrez, Killam Library

Dr. Van V. Miller, Economics & Finance

Dr. Fernando Quintana, Natural Sciences

Dr. Doris Rosenow, Canseco School of Nursing

Dr. Terry Shepherd, Special Populations

Dr. Richard Wright, Fine and Performing Arts


Faculty Senate: 2003-2004


Senate Officers:

Dr. Frances G. Rhodes, President, At-Large

Dr. Mohamed Ben-Ruwin, Vice-President, Social Science

Mr. John Maxstadt, Secretary, Killam Library

Dr. Sean Chadwell, Parliamentarian, At-Large



Dr. Willie N. Cargill, Accounting, Economics and Finance

Dr. Cathy Guerra, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Robert Haynes, Language and Literature

Dr. Roberto Heredia, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work

Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa, Mathematical and Physical Science

Dr. Hamid R. Kusha, Behavioral, Applied Sciences and Criminal Justice

Dr. Michael Landeck, Management, Marketing, and International Business

Dr. C. Neal McReynolds, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. William Newman, Management Information Systems and Decision Science

Dr. Doris Rosenow, Canseco School of Nursing

Dr. Claudio Salinas, Professional Programs

Dr. Terry L. Shepherd, Special Populations

Dr. Richard Wright, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Michael Yoder, At-Large


Faculty Senate: 2004-2005


Senate Officers:

Dr. Mohamed A. Ben-Ruwin, President, Social Science

Dr. Sean Chadwell, Vice-President, At-Large

Dr. Terry L. Shepherd, Secretary, Special Populations

Mr. John Maxstadt, Parliamentarian, Killam Library



Dr. Willie N. Cargill, Accounting, Economics and Finance

Dr. Friedrich C. Gechter, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Roberto Heredia, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work

Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa, Mathematical and Physical Science

Dr. Sushma Krishnamurthy, At-Large

Dr. Hamid R. Kusha, Behavioral, Applied Sciences and Criminal Justice

Dr. Michael Landeck, Management, Marketing, and International Business

Dr. C. Neal McReynolds, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Thomas R. Mitchell, Language and Literature

Dr. William Newman, Management Information Systems and Decision Science

Dr. Lem L. Railsback, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Doris Rosenow, Canseco School of Nursing

Dr. Claudio Salinas, Professional Programs


Faculty Senate: 2005-2006


Senate Officers:

Dr. Terry L. Shepherd, President, Special Populations

Mr. John Maxstadt, Vice-President, Killam Library

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Secretary, At-Large

Dr. Thomas R. Mitchell, Parliamentarian, Language and Literature



Dr. Mohamed A. Ben-Ruwin, Social Sciences

Dr. Deborah Blackwell, At-Large

Dr. Randel D. Brown, At-Large

Dr. Willie N. Cargill, Accounting, Economics and Finance

Dr. Friedrich C. Gechter, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Roberto Heredia, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work

Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa, Mathematical and Physical Science

Dr. Sushma Krishnamurthy, At-Large

Dr. Michael Landeck, Management, Marketing, and International Business

Dr. C. Neal McReynolds, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Lem L. Railsback, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Doris Rosenow, Canseco School of Nursing

Dr. Claudio Salinas, Professional Programs

Dr. Rolando Sanchez, Management Information Systems and Decision Science


Faculty Senate: 2006-2007


Senate Officers:

Dr. Thomas R. Mitchell, President, Language and Literature

Mr. John Maxstadt, Vice President, Killam Library

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Secretary, At-Large

Dr. Deborah Blackwell, Parliamentarian, At-Large



Dr. Randel Brown (At-Large)

Ms. Vivian Garcia (Canseco School of Nursing)

Dr. Friedrich Gechter (Fine and Performing Arts)

Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa (Mathematical and Physical Sciences)

Dr. Barbara Hong (Professional Programs)

Dr. Jaclyn Jeffrey (Social Sciences)

Dr. Sushma Krishnarnurthy (At-Large)

Dr. Sukho Lee (Teacher Preparation):

Dr. Michael Patrick (International Banking and Finance Studies)

Dr. Lem Railsback (Curriculum & Instruction)

Dr. Rolando Pena-Sanchez (International Business & Tech. Studies)

Dr. Christy Teranishi (Behavioral, Applied Sciences & C.J.)

Dr. Ken Tobin (Biology and Chemistry)


Faculty Senate 2007-2008


Senate Officers:

Dr. Thomas R. Mitchell, President, Language and Literature

Dr. Deborah Blackwell, Vice President, At-Large

Dr. Barbara Hong, Secretary, Professional Programs

Dr. Ken Tobin, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, Biology and Chemistry



Dr. Randel Brown, At-Large

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Canseco School of Nursing

Dr. Robert Haynes, At-Large

Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Dr. Jaclyn Jeffrey, Social Sciences

Dr. Sukho Lee, Teacher Preparation

Ms. Linda McCreight, Killam Library

Dr. Lem Railsback, Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Frances Rhodes, At-Large

Dr. Rolando Pena-Sanchez, International Business & Tech. Studies

Dr. Christy Teranishi, Behavioral, Applied Sciences & C.J.

Mr. Brendan Townsend, Fine and Performing Arts

International Banking and Finance Studies (Vacancy to be Filled in Fall 2007)


Faculty Senate 2008-2009


Senate Officers:

Dr. Robert Haynes, President, At-Large

Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa, Vice President, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Secretary, Canseco School of Nursing

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, At-Large



Dr. Deborah L. Blackwell, Social Sciences

Dr. Randel Brown, At-Large

Dr. Pedro Hurtado, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Sukho Lee, Teacher Preparation

Dr. Kevin Lindberg, At-Large

Ms. Linda J. McCreight, Killam Library

Dr. Thomas Mitchell, Language and Literature

Dr. Rolando Pena-Sanchez, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Lem Londos Railsback, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Gilberto Salinas, Behavioral Sciences

Dr. Kenneth Tobin, Biology and Chemistry

Mr. Brendan Townsend, Fine and Performing Arts


Faculty Senate, 2009-2010


Senate Officers:

Dr. Juan Homero Hinojosa, President, replaced as President by Dr. Bill Riggs in Spring Semester

Dr. Pedro Hurtado, Vice President, replaced as Vice President by Mr. Brendan Townsend in Spring Semester

Dr. Bill Riggs, Secretary, replaced as Secretary by Dr. Marvin Bennett in Spring Semester (President in Spring Sem)

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, At-Large



Dr. Marvin Bennett, Biology and Chemistry (Secretary in Spring Semester)

Dr. Lynda Brown, Language and Literature

Dr. George Clarke, International Banking and Finance Studies (Spring Semester only)

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. William Gruben, International Banking and Finance Studies, replaced by Dr. George Clarke in Spring Semester

Dr. San Juanita Hachar, Teacher Preparation (replaced by Dr. Miroslava Vargas in Spring Semester)

Dr. Phu Hoang, Professional Programs

Dr. Arturo Limon, Curriculum and Instruction

Mr. John Maxstadt, Killam Library

Dr. James Norris, Social Sciences

Dr. Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies (Spring Semester only)

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, At-Large

Dr. Gilberto Salinas, Behavioral Sciences

Dr. Chen-Han Sung, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics

Mr. Brendan Townsend, Fine and Performing Arts (Vice President in Spring Semester)

Dr. Miroslava Vargas, Teacher Preparation (Spring Semester only)


Faculty Senate, 2010-2011


Senate Officers:

Dr. Bill Riggs, President, At-Large

Mr. Brendan Townsend, Vice President, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Marvin Bennett, Secretary, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, At-Large



Dr. Lynda Brown, Language and Literature

Dr. George Clarke, International Banking and Finance Studies

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Phu Hoang, Professional Programs

Dr. John Kilburn, At-Large

Dr. Arturo Limon, Curriculum and Instruction

Mr. John Maxstadt, Killam Library

Dr. Monica Munoz, Behavioral Sciences

Dr. James Norris, Social Sciences

Dr. Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, At-Large

Dr. Chen-Han Sung, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics

Dr. Miroslava Vargas, Teacher Preparation


Faculty Senate, 2011-2012


Senate Officers:

Mr. Brendan Townsend, President, Fine and Performing Arts

Mr. John Maxstadt, Vice President, Killam Library

Dr. Marvin Bennett, Secretary, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, At-Large



Dr. George Clarke, International Banking and Finance Studies

Dr. Stephen Duffy, At-Large

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Sandra Garrett, Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Lynn Hemmer, Professional Programs

Dr. John Kilburn, At-Large

Dr. Marcela Moran, Language and Literature

Dr. Monica Munoz, Behavioral Sciences

Dr. James Norris, Social Sciences

Dr. Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, At-Large

Dr. Chen-Han Sung, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics

Dr. Miroslava Vargas, Teacher Preparation


Faculty Senate, 2012-2013


Senate Officers:

Mr. Brendan Townsend, President, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, Vice President, At-Large

Dr. Marvin Bennett, Secretary, At-Large

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, At-Large



Dr. George Clarke, International Banking and Finance Studies

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Hari Mandal, Biology and Chemistry

Mr. John Maxstadt, Killam Library

Dr. Marcela Moran, Language and Literature

Dr. Monica Munoz, Behavioral Sciences

Dr. Qingwen Ni, Engineering Mathematics and Physics

Dr. James Norris, Public Affairs and Social Research

Dr. George Potter, Professional Programs

Dr. Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Claudia San Miguel, At-Large

Dr. Miroslava Vargas, Teacher Preparation


Faculty Senate, 2013-2014


Senate Officers:

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, President, At-Large

Mr. John Maxstadt, Vice President, Killam Library

Dr. Leonel Prieto, Secretary, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, Humanities



Dr. Marvin Bennett, At-Large

Dr. George Clarke, International Banking and Finance Studies

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Hari Mandal, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Lynne Manganaro, At-Large

Dr. Marcela Moran, At-Large

Dr. Qingwen Ni, Engineering Mathematics and Physics

Dr. James Norris, Public Affairs and Social Research

Dr. George Potter, Professional Programs

Dr. Gilberto Salinas, Psychology and Communication

Mr. Brendan Townsend, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Miroslava Vargas, Curriculum and Pedagogy


Faculty Senate, 2014-2015


Senate Officers:

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, President, At-Large

Mr. John Maxstadt, Vice President, Killam Library

Ms. Kimber Palmer, Secretary, At-Large for Instructors and Fixed Term Faculty

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, Humanities



Dr. Marvin Bennett, At-Large

Dr. George Clarke, International Banking and Finance Studies

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Katie D. Lewis, Curriculum and Pedagogy

Dr. Hari Mandal, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Lynne Manganaro, At-Large

Dr. Marcela Moran, At-Large

Dr. Qingwen Ni, Engineering Mathematics and Physics

Dr. James Norris, Public Affairs and Social Research

Dr. Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Gilberto Salinas, Psychology and Communication

Dr. Ken Tobin, School of Engineering

Mr. Brendan Townsend, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Maria D. Viloria, Professional Programs


Faculty Senate, 2015-2016


Senate Officers:

Dr. George Clarke, President, International Banking and Finance Studies

Mr. John Maxstadt, Vice President, Killam Library

Ms. Kimber Palmer, Secretary, At-Large for Instructors and Fixed Term Faculty

Dr. Lynne Manganaro, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, At-Large



Dr. Marvin Bennett, At-Large

Mr. David Bogus, Fine and Performing Arts

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Ms. Destine D. Holmgreen, University College

Dr. Katie D. Lewis, Curriculum and Pedagogy

Dr. Hari Mandal, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Marcela Moran, At-Large

Dr. Qingwen Ni, Mathematics and Physics

Dr. James Norris, Social Sciences

Dr. Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, At-Large

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Humanities

Dr. Gilberto Salinas, Psychology and Communication

Dr. Ken Tobin, School of Engineering

Dr. Maria D. Viloria, Professional Programs


Faculty Senate, 2016-2017


Senate Officers:

Dr. James Norris, President, Social Sciences

Dr. Ken Tobin, Vice President, School of Engineering

Dr. Marvin Bennett, Secretary, At-Large

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, Humanities



Dr. George Clarke, International Banking and Finance Studies

Ms. Malynda Dalton, Killam Library

Dr. Stuart Davis, Psychology and Communication

Ms. Vivian Garcia, Nursing and Health Sciences

Ms. Destine D. Holmgreen, University College

Dr. Katie D. Lewis, Curriculum and Pedagogy

Dr. David Milovich, Mathematics and Physics

Dr. Marcela Moran, At-Large

Dr. James Moyer, Fine and Performing Arts

Dr. Lola Norris, At-Large

Ms. Kimber Palmer, At-Large for Instructors and Fixed Term Faculty

Dr. Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies

Dr. Alfredo Ramirez, At-Large

Dr. Maria D. Viloria, Professional Programs

Dr. Ruby Ynalvez, Biology and Chemistry


Faculty Senate, 2017-2018


Senate Officers:

Dr. Ken Tobin, President, School of Engineering

Dr. Marvin Bennett, Vice President, At-Large

Dr. Ruby Ynalvez, Secretary, Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Frances Rhodes, Parliamentarian and Elections Officer, Humanities


James Norris, Social Sciences

George Clark, International Banking and Finance Studies

Vivian Garcia, Nursing

Diana Linn, Curriculum and Pedagogy

Lourdes Viloria, Professional Programs

Ariadne Gonzalez, Psychology and Communtication

David Milovich, Mathematics and Physics

Oswaldo Zapata, Fine and Performing Arts

Leonel Prieto, International Business and Technology Studies

Lola Norris, At-Large

Marcus Ynalvez, At-Large

Puneet Gill, At-Large

Malynda Dalton, Killam Library

Phil Roberson, Full-time, Fixed-Term Faculty

Destine Holmgreen, University College


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