Annual report 2015_flip2 - page 17

The road to fitness begins with
one step…perhaps right outside the
office door for TAMIU employees.
TAMIU has an EmployeeWellness
Program know as “HealthyU,” which
promotes well-being by providing
a work environment that educates,
empowers and supports employees
to make responsible, healthy choices
in their lives and to create a culture of
wellness throughout the University.
This year, the University hosted
an 8-week fitness challenge, culminating
in a 5K event with 100 employees
There’s a reason TAMIU wants
healthy employees in the work place,
says Jessica Palacios,TAMIU associate
director of Human Resources and
HealthyU program chair.
TAMIU in Step with Employee Wellness
“Current research shows a direct
correlation between employee health
and wellness programs and lowered
healthcare costs, reduced absenteeism,
higher employee productivity, reduced
workers’ compensation and disability-
related costs, reduced injuries and
improved employee loyalty, morale and
sense of well-being,” she said.
“By providing employees an
opportunity to better their health, we
better their lives,
their service to the
University…and we
more fully realize
our service mission.
TAMIU employees
really enjoy the
opportunity and the
spectrum of fitness
activities they can
join,” Palacios explained.
Also offered through the HealthyU
program is an annual health and
wellness fair, a walking club, a yoga class,
a community service challenge and pass
access to the University’s Kinesiology,
Wellness and Recreation Center.
The program is funded in part by
a competitive grant awarded by The
Texas A&M University System. It began
in 2014.
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