TAMIU Annual Report 2023

Dr. Mazhar M. Islam, the late TAMIU professor of history Dr. José Roberto Juárez, Julio Obscura, Dr. Aaron A. Olivas, and Dr. Jaime Ortiz. DR. HAYNES NAMED A&M SYSTEM REGENTS PROFESSOR Dr. Robert W. Haynes, TAMIU professor of English, was named as one of 12 faculty members and 11 agency service, extension, or research professionals within the Texas A&M University System to be recognized as Regents Professors and Regents Fellows. The A&M System Board of Regents established the Regents Professor Awards program in 1996 and the Regents Fellow Service Awards program in 1998 to recognize employees who have made extraordinary contributions to their university, or agency, as well as to the people of Texas. Haynes has been a member of the TAMIU faculty for 31 years. His courses have included medieval topics, including Chaucer and medieval drama, as well as courses focused on the Renaissance, particularly Shakespeare. His book The Major Plays of Horton Foote was published in 2010, and his edited volume Critical Insights: Horton Foote appeared in 2016. He continues to publish articles on Foote and on Renaissance England. In 2016, he received the South Central Modern Language Association’s Poetry Prize and, in 2019, the Sam Alley Teaching Excellence Award from Sigma Tau Delta. Writing as R. W. Haynes, he has published four poetry collections (Laredo Light, Let the Whales Escape, Heidegger Looks at the Moon, and The Deadly Shadow of the Wall) in the past four years. Over 200 of his poems have appeared in journals in various countries around the world. Haynes holds his Ph.D. in English from the University of Georgia. PROFESSOR’S LEGACY OF TEACHING RECOGNIZED WITH NAME LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD For over 20 years, TAMIU College of Education associate professor of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Diana Linn has forged a legacy of multicultural teaching that inspires, educates, and empowers her students and TAMIU graduates. This remarkable legacy was recognized with the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Region 5 Texas National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) Conference hosted by Baylor University’s School of Education, department of Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Linn was also a keynote speaker at the Conference and provided the Cherry B. Gooden Executive Board Keynote Address. She said the distinction of the Lifetime Achievement Award is especially important to her as she has long championed multicultural education and NAME’s advocacy. “I’m honored by this recognition by my peers. I’ve been an active NAME member since 2002 and I’m proud to support its mission and legacy…and especially proud to join other Lifetime Achievement Award recipients who have been similarly honored,” Dr. Linn said. TAMIU College of Education Dean Dr. James O’Meara commended Linn’s selection and her impact at TAMIU. “Dr. Linn is revered by her colleagues and her students, and we are all delighted to see her service to NAME recognized by this Award. Her contributions here at TAMIU have impacted hundreds, if not thousands of our students and graduates,” Dr. O’Meara observed. This year’s NAME Award to Dr. Linn also recently earned some new award company…. at TAMIU’s University Convocation in October, Dr. Linn was named the ’23 recipient of the University’s Distinguished Teacher Award. Congratulations, Dr. Linn! 18

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