Written and illustrated by Brisa Ramos Different
Different Brisa Ramos
Dedication Page Dedicated to: My parents who have been with me through every step in my education. Thank you for supporting and giving me the opportunity to continue my education. Thank you for always guiding me and giving me the best advice to grow as a person and for my future. 2022
“Mommy, today is my first day at my new school, and I am excited to make new friends!” “Yes, Amelia, let’s get you ready for school. Eat breakfast and head out of the house so you will not be late.”
Dedication Page “Hello, Amelia. Welcome. I am your teacher, Mrs. Smith, and you will be sitting next to Olivia, who will be helping you.” Mrs. Smith left to welcome the rest of her students. “Hi, Olivia, I am Amelia, and I am excited to become friends with you!” Mrs. Smith said, “class, on Friday, you can dress up and bring food relating to your culture. Each student will share their favorite traditions about their culture. Have a nice day and see you all tomorrow.”
Dedication Page “Mommy, today the teacher said that on Friday we have Culture Day. Can you please take out my Mexican dress that we brought from home so I can wear it on Friday?” “Yes, Amelia, I will wash the dress and have tamales for you to take on Friday.”
It was Thursday and Amelia was surrounded by her classmates. “I already told my mom about Culture Day! I am going to wear my beautiful Mexican dress and bring tamales, my favorite Mexican food!” Amelia said. “What? A Mexican dress and tamales? I have seen Mexican dresses and they are ugly. I have never tasted tamales but they look like they taste nasty!” Olivia said. Amelia became sad and angry.
“Olivia, what will you be wearing on Friday?” “I will be wearing western wear! I will wear jeans, a cowboy hat, and boots. You will see what western wear is and how pretty our clothes will be!” Amelia went home disappointed.
When Amelia got home, her mom said, “look Amelia, I already have the dress washed for you to wear tomorrow! I am still finishing the tamales, but they will be ready on time.” “No, I do not want to wear that ugly Mexican dress and take those nasty tamales! Everyone in my class is wearing western wear.” “Amelia, they will all be wearing the same thing because they have the same culture. Don’t you like our culture?” “Yes, I love our culture! I love the piñatas, cascarones on Easter, and Mexican food... especially tamales!”
“Do not worry Amelia! Your friends will love our culture. Being different is beautiful. Tomorrow, you will stand out with your unique dress and everyone will want a second plate of tamales!” Amelia went to bed excited, with her dress and shoes laid out on the couch.
The next day, Amelia and her mother arrived at school with the tamales. “Good morning, Amelia. I love your dress and those tamales smell delicious!” said Mrs. Smith. “Thank you Mrs. Smith! My mom made them, and they always turn out delicious.” “Class, please face forward because Amelia will be the first person to share her favorite traditions.”
“I am Mexican. My favorite holiday to celebrate is Easter because we break cascarones on each other’s heads. Cascarones are eggs filled with confetti. At birthday parties we break piñatas that are filled with candies. These tamales are made by my mom and are my favorite Mexican food!” “Wow Amelia! I love the tamales. Can I have another one?” said Olivia. “Yes, you can have more tamales!” “I am sorry for treating you differently Amelia. I hope we can be friends.” “Yes Olivia, we can be friends, and I cannot wait to learn about your culture.”
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