Page 25 of 93 cc oo mm mm ii tt tt ee ee rreefcuosne ss i dt oe rrse ciot sn sdi de ec ri s ioorni f aint dr e apfrfoi rvmi dse si t sr eoar si goinnsa l froerc osmo md eoni ndga. t i oInf , tt hh ee fsat uc udletny t ,m etmh eb e rc’osmomr i gi titneael dwe ci lils i opnr oi vs i df ien a lt. h eI f tfhaec uclot ym mmi tetme eb ef irn dws iitnh f aav o rworfi t tt ehne rweict oh mt hmee nc od ma t mi o int teexep’ sl a ri ne ci nogmt mh ee cnodma tmi oint t, eteh’ se r feaacsuol nt ys . mI f et hmebf ea rc uml t ay ymreemq bu ee rs td it shaagt r et he es cr ao tmi omn ai tltee ef orre croenvsi isdi teirnsg i ttsh er e rc eocmo mm emnednadt iaot ni o na.n d I pf r aofvt iedre sc ot nh sei dceormi nmg i tttheee wf a ictuhl t ya mo rei gmi nbaelrd’ sercai st ii oo nn aslhe ot uh led abde hroe cv ec or sme dm, ittht ee ec oi sms tmi l il tpt eeer swu ial dl reedc tohma tmt eh ne df ai cnuwl t ryi tmi negmt ob et rh’ es cmhaaki re tt hh iast r tehceo mf amc uelnt yd amt i eo mn tboe trh’ se dc he ca ii sr i iof nt hbeef aocvuel tryt umr ne emdb. eTr hf ae i lcsotmo ma l ti tetre teh emoaryi gai nl saol df aeccui sl ti yo nmaenmd bael rs owf ial il l sr et coe ri ve es pao nc odptyo ot hf et hceo mr emc oi tmt eme ’esnodrai gt iionna l t roe tchoemcmh ae inrd, aa tl il oo wn . i nTgh ae ft ihnea lc oh pa ipromr t auyn iot yv et or rri edvei st eh et hfea cour li tgyi nma ledme bc iesri ’osno. rIifgtihnea lf adceuclitsyi omne, ma nbde,r af sa i al sptpor coopmr i pa tl ye ,, roeuvt il si neetdh ea bsot uv de ehnats’ sb ceoe un rfsoel l go rwa edde .a pI np roorpdrei ra tteol yc,etrht ei f yD et ha ant otfhteh eg rCaodl el e dg ies op ru tt eh epSr oc hc eososl aonf da ftahceuPltryomvoesmt bweirll. review all decisions by chairs to change grades against the will Academic Probation (non-disciplinary related) So tru dsepnr itns gw) i l wl bhee np l atcheedi ro ni nAsct ai tduet imo ni ca Pl rcoubma tui ol ant iavtet hger ac odne c lpuos ii onnt oafvaenr aygleo nagt s eTme xe as tse rA(&f aMl l International University falls below 2.0. Such students are encouraged to participate to the fbuel el ens pt lianc eadc aodne amc iacd es umpi pc oprrto pb ar ot igorna mw isl l abneda tl loo ws eeedk t oa ceandreoml l ifco ra od nv ies ai ndgd. i tSitoundael notns ews eh mo ehsat ve er ibnetatnera.ttempt to achieve the required institutional cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or Academic Suspension Si nt us tdi teuntti so nwa hl oc uhma uv lea tbi ve ee ng rpa ldaec epdo ionnt aavceardaegme idcu pr irnogb taht ieo nn e ax nt dl o nf agi ls et om ae cs thei re vwei ltl hbee mp l ianciemduomn as ec ma deesmt eirc asnuds pme na ys i roen- .eSntruodl leanfttse ro ns uaccha adbe sme inccseuusnpde enrs iaocna dweiml l ibceprreoqbuaitri eo dn . tPorsi oi tr ot uo teonnr oe l ll oi nngg, ti mh ep rroevt eumr nei nn tg p sl at un d. Te nh te amd uv si st o rmwe ei ltl twh ei tnh maene t awc ai tdhe tmh iec s tauddvei snot rt htroo udgehvoeul ot pt h ea ns e ma ceasdt ee mr ti oc msuobnsietqouretnhteacsttuiodnesn. t’s progress in meeting established goals and determine appropriate
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