Page 45 of 93 1. Eowacnhesxtpuednesnet.has the opportunity to select an advisor at their discretion and at their 2. Attorneys, counselors and advisors may attend as advisors, but they are not permitted to speak on behalf of the student at a University student conduct pofrothcereeeding. A request that an advisor be present must be made in writing a minimum University business days before the scheduled student conduct proceedings. 3. Ssttaunddeinntgs wwihtohathreecharged in the same fact pattern, or who are not in good disciplinary University are not eligible to serve as an advisor at student conduct 4. p E st r a u o c d c h e e n e s d t t u s in d h g e o s n u . t l d i ss e lreecstpaosnasni bal ed vfi os or r parpe es er snot inn wg ht ohseei rs cohwe dn u il ne faol rl omwast iaotnt e. nTdhaenrceef oartet, h ae sdcehlaeydeudleddudeattoe sacnhdedtiumlienfgocrotnhfeliccotsnofefraenncaed.vSistourd. ent conduct proceedings will not be Smt au tdt ee nr st s r se hl aotue ldd tboe s ae wx -abraes et dh adt i tshc re i mr oi lnea toi fo na ,n i na cdlvuids oi nr g i smsaut bt esrt sa not fi asl leyx udai fl f evri eo nl etnfcoer, sexual misconduct, harassment, stalking, or dating violence. Section 8.08 Sex-Based Grievances and Disciplinary Procedures Fd oi src rgirmi eivnaant icoens , iinnvcol ul vdiinngg smt uadt teenrts coofnsdeux cutadl ivsicoi lpelni nc ae r, ys epxruoacl emd ui srceosntdhua ct tc, ohnasrtai st us mt e esnetx, -dbaatsi ne dg violence, domestic violence, and stalking, refer to Section 3.24 above. ARTICLE 9. STUDENT CONDUCT PROCEEDING Any student whose conduct is the subject of a complaint by any member of the University cr eogmuml aut inoint ys oofrTwA Mh oI Ui so ra Tl l eAgMe dU St ow ihl labv ee nvoi ot ilfai et eddo ft ht he eSctoumd epnl at i nC to odre cohfa rCgoenvdiua cet- ma nadi l/aonr da/noyr in person by the SCCE Office. Following notification to SCCE, a Student Conduct Administrator will investigate the facts ao nf da cl ti er rc nu amt isvt ea ndc ei sspaustseo crieast oe dl uwt i oi tnh t(hme ecdoima tpi ol ani ,n ti .nIfnovr ems at ilg ar teisoonl umt iaoynr, e es tucl .t) i, nocrh adri gs me si, sas af ol r omf complaint. For academic conduct proceedings, please refer to Article 10. For civil rights procedures, please refer to Article F.
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