Page 64 of 93 ARTICLE 11. SANCTIONS The University reserves the right, through fair process, to impose disciplinary and academic sdaens cc rt iiobne sd boenl oswt umd ea ny tbs e wp lhaoc ehdaovne dveifoelrarteedd s tt ha teu sS. tPu ldeeanste rCeovdiee wo fT CAoMnIdUu Rc tu. l eA0n8y. 0s1a. 0n 1c t. iLo1n, Civil Rights Complaint and Appeal Process for the range of sanctions for violations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. The list below is not exhaustive. Campus Housing Probation: An official notice that the student’s conduct is in violation of residence hall rules, University Apartments rules and/or University rules and that more svtiroilnagtieonntssotcucduern. t conduct sanctions, including removal from housing, may result if future Community/University Service: A student may be offered an opportunity to complete a specified number of hours of Community/University Service in lieu of or in addition to other sanctions. Conduct Probation: An official warning that the student’s conduct is in violation of the Td iAsMmIi Us s aSl t uodr esnuts pCeondsei oonf. AC osntduudcetn, tbount icso nndout cst upf frioc ibeantti loyn siesr i“o u s t o w a r r a n t e x p u l s i o n , not in good disciplinary standing” with the University. This sanction includes the same restrictions listed in Deferred Suspension. (Refer to Section 12.08) Conduct Review: An official warning that the student's conduct is in violation of TAMIU Ss ut us dp ee nn ts i Co no d, oe r ocf oCnodnudc ut cpt r, obbuatt iios nn. oAt ssut uf fdi ceine tn tol yn sc eo rnido uu cs t troe vwi eawr r asnhta lel xhpauvl es i ot hne, i dr i cs omni ds suaclt, ua nn daeprprreovpi reiwa t feo or faf iscpi aelc ti of i eads cpeerrtiaoidn oafntdi me ev .a lTuhaitsescaonmc tpi ol ina nmcaeywr ei tqhuSi rt eu dr ee gnut lCa or dmeeoeft iCnogns dwuict ht . As edrdi oi tui os nneasl sr eos ft r itchtei o nms i os crocnodnudcitt.i o nSst ua dl seon mt s a yp lba ceeidm poons etdh,i sd espaenncdt iionng orne mt haei nn a“ t u r e a n d in good disciplinary standing” with the University. If there is a finding of responsibility for ss ua nbcsteiqounes nmt av yi obl aet iaodnms ionfitsht eerSetdu.d(eRnetf eCrotdoe SoefcCt oi onnd1u2c t. 0d8u)r i n g t h i s p e r i o d o f t i m e , m o r e s e v e r e Criminal Trespass Warning: In addition to being suspended or expelled from the University, tahned/soturdmeanitntiasinperdohbiybtihteed from entering the grounds and/or facilities owned, operated University. Entrance onto campus or into those facilities/areas will bacecoviredwinegdlyafsora tvrieoslpaatisosninogfatnhdisfasialunrcetiotoncaonmdptlhy.e student will be confronted and charged
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