Page 7 of 93 ARTICLE 1. PURPOSE OF THE STUDENT HANDBOOK To fA AMrItUs pa rnodv iSdcei es nucneds e (rCg Or aAdSu) a, tCeoal lnedg eg roafd Eu da tuec laet vi oe nl c (oCuOr Es eDw) , oCrokl li engteh eo ff oNuur rcsoi nl l ge gaens d( CHoel lael gt he Sciences (CONHS), and University College (UC) and two schools (A.R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business and Graduate School) of the University. In the tradition of American higher ep de ur scoant iaol ng, r To wA Mt hI Ua ntdr adnesvme li ot sp ma ne dn t corfe ai nt edsi v ikdnuoawl sl, e sdugpe p, oprrt os vtihdee ss pai nr i t oopf pfor reteu ni ni tqyu i froyr, at nh de contributes to the improvement of its surrounding society. The University recognizes its sl apregceira lc oomb lmi gua tni iotni e st oo fsTe revxea st,hteh ehUi gnhiet er deSdtuactaetsi,oann dn et he ed swoofr lSdo. u t h T e x a s , w h i l e s e r v i n g t h e It is the responsibility of the administration, faculty, staff, and students to be aware of and abide by all approved policies, procedures, rules, and regulations set forth by The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents that are posted on the System website or that are dTiesxsaesmAin&aMted through handbooks and manuals to all component campuses that make up The University System (TAMUS). The TAMIU Student Handbook, which contains a dpeosscteridpotinonthoef the rights and responsibilities of all students enrolled at this institution, is University website for quick reference and easy access to students, faculty, and staff. This Handbook does not constitute a contract, express or implied, between TAMIU and any ci nufrorremn ta toi or npirno st hpiesc Ht i va en dsbt uo od ke nwt .i tThAo Mu tI Up r iroers enrovtei cse t. hI te srhioguhltd tbo eanmoet endd ,t haadtda, lol rs t du edleent et s aanr ye rheasvpeobnesaibrilnegfoornkteheepirinegnraoblrlmeaesnt toaftaTnAyMchIUan. ges in regulations and/or procedures that may ARTICLE 2. STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Section 2.01 Preamble Ad ec va edleomp mi c einnts toi tfu tsitoundse netxsi,s ta nf odr tthhee gt reannesrma l i sws ieolnl - boefi nkgn oowf l seodcgiee,t yt .h eF rpeue r si nuqi tu oi rfy t rauntdh , f rt he ee ec ox pmrme sus ni oi tny ,a sr et uidnedni st sp esnhsoaubl lde bt oe tehnec oa ut traai ng emde tnot od fe vt he el os pe gc or iat li sc .a Al sj umd ge mm ebne tr sa no df t thoe eanc ga ad ge emiinc sustained and independent search for truth. Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The freedom to learn depends upon appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom,
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