Page 73 of 93 d. Ba lul ros aurt ’sst aOnf fdi icneg– cSht ua rdgeenst st soh oa uv ol di dr elvaiteewcthhaerigreosn lai nn de spt uo ds seinbtl ea crceofue nr rt aal ntdo paany os huot suildde vcios li lteoc tri ocna l la gt he en cByu. rSstaurd’ se On tfsf i cree.q uSitrui ndge natsss iws tiat nh cBe uws iint he stsh eOi frf iaccec ohuonl dt ss ma fuosrtmc oa lnpt aacytmt heen tB pu lrasna rh’ sa sO bf fei ceen i cnroe radt eedr , t tohseeBt uupr saafro’ sr mO fafli cpea ywmi l el np tr opvl ai dne. Os ing cne- e. o V st f e u f t d o e e n ra n t n t h s s e l A e L f a O f v a A i i n r w s g – h t h i S c e t h u idsetnhtesnwrhe ot urrenceedi vteo vt ehtee ar apnpsr’oepdrui ac taet ioofnf iaclebfeonr epf irtoscaens ds i/nogr. University due to a military activation should contact the Veteran Affairs Office in the Office of the University Registrar for information and assistance. f. Gr erqa ud eusatt et o Stchheo oDle- Ga nr a odfu aGtrea dsut ua tdee nS tcsh osohlo bu el df o rs eu bt hmei ts et hc oe ni rd l we aeveek ooff tahbes ef ni rcset semester of absence. 4. Sub a m . it the Leave of Absence Request form: OtontcheethOeffriceequoifrethdesignatures have been obtained, the application is returned University Registrar. The student may return the form in b. p T fo e h r r e s t h s o t n e u . cdue rnrtefnotl ltoewr ms t ahne de sf itna db sl i st hh ea dt cpormo cpel de ut erleys wf oi trhwd ri tahwd irnagwmi nigd -i fs er me gei ss tt ee rr eids ns ue bc ems istat er yd, faosr wa neyl l f ua st utrhee t eprrmo c(es d) udruersi nf go rt hcea nr ec qe lui ne sgt eadn yL Or eAg. iNs tOr aTtEi o: nS taul rdeeandt ys rheocweiwviintghdfirnaawnacliaiml apiadctms uthsteivrifsiint atnhceiaFlinaiadn. cial Aid Office for information on c. Ss uabt ims f ai tctteodr yt o et hv iediennscter u c( it.oer. , oprhayssri ceiqauni rne odtbey, tmheedcioclalle gree.l e a s e , e t c . ) m u s t b e d. Tifhneescteusdsaernyt.updates their mailing address on the student information system, Additional Conditions of LOA Requests LOA Duration As e mL Oe As t emr ai sy dneof ti nbeed garsaan tf ea dl l of or rs pmroi nr eg st he ma ne st twe or acnodn seexccul ut idvees rwe gi nutl ea rr as ne dm se us tme rms .e r( As ersesgi ou nl asr; for example, LOA is granted for fall and spring or spring through fall.) If the student does not return at the agreed semester, the student would need to undergo ftorarnmsaclrripetasd.mission to TAMIU, to include submission of a new application and any necessary
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