Page 75 of 93 2. AtostthuedOenffticreetoufrtnhieng earlier than the original agreed return date should provide notice University Registrar as soon as possible, keeping in mind applicable 3. d A ye e s a a t r d u l o d in f e t e n h s t e , m s ir u u rc e s h t t u a m s r n e a. e d tvaislilnfgin, arengciisatlraaitdiorne, qfiuniarnemciaelnatsida, netdc.deadlines for the academic 4. The Office of the University Registrar will identify concerns, if any, arising during the sthtuedsecnhto’solL/OcoAl,lewgheictoh rmeasoylmveatkheetmhe, isf tpuodsesnibtlien.eligible for registration and work with Contact Information: Return to: Office of the University Registrar SLeanreadtoor, TJuXd7it8h0Z4a1f-f1ir9in0i0Student Success Center, 121 956.326.2250 OFFICE OF RESPONSIBILITY: DOfivfiicseioonf tfohreEPnrorovlolmstent Management Revised and approved: April 2018
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