Page 92 of 93 (2) Ca bl ai lsist ryo toomc obne dh ua vc it o trh teh ac lta ss se roi or utshl ye ianbt iel ri tfye r oe fs owt hi tehr esittuhde er ntthse t of a cpurlot fyi t mf reommb et rh’ es instructional program. (3) Awni tyh bcel ahsasvwi oor rikn ocfl aost hs eorrs ,oiuntv oo lf vcelsa sdsi ,s owrhdiecrh, of or ro tahneyr wr eiasseodni si rmupprt os pt he er l yr eignut el arrf earneds essential operation of the University. Employee – an individual employed by TAMIU Expressive Activity – any speech or expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment taos stehme bUl ni ei st e, dp rSottaetsetss , Csopne setci ht uetsi,otnh eo dr ibs yt r Si beuc tt ii oo nn o8f, wA rr ti ti ct el en Im, Taet ex ar isa lC, ot hnes tci at ur rt iyoi nn ,g aonf ds iignncsl u, adneds the circulation of petitions. The term does not include commercial speech. Faculty – any full or part-time employee of TAMIU holding an academic appointment Materially and Substantially Disrupt – interrupting a program or activity in a significant ai nn dt hceoancsaedqeume ni ct i qa ul ma da no rn ewr i t( he .i gn. , 5u0s ifne ge ta omf pc ll iaf si csar toi oo mn ebquui il dp imn ge ns to ourt sni do ei s oe -f gtehne eqr au tai dn ga nd ye vt ii cme es classes are in session) Person – students, student organizations, faculty, staff, and third-parties Reasonable Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions – limitations that (1) are narrowly taani dl ovr ei edwtpo osi enrt v- ne eau tsri ag lnci friict ae nr ita T; Aa nMdI U( 3i)npt er roevsi dt ; e( f2o)r eammppl loeyacl tl ee ar nr, apt iuvbel ims heeadn,s coofnet xe pn rt -ens es iuotnr a l , Staff – an employee of TAMIU that is not a faculty member Student – an individual currently enrolled at TAMIU, full or part-time, pursuing up nr edveirogursa ds euma tees, tgerraadnuda tree, goi sr tpe rr oe df e fsosri oanfaul tsutruedsi eesm, iensct el urd i n g s t u d e n t s w h o w e r e e n r o l l e d t h e Student Organization – any TAMIU-recognized organization that is composed of students enrolled at TAMIU and that receives a benefit from TAMIU Third-Party (External Client) – an individual or entity that is not a student, student organization, or employee of TAMIU
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