Page 12 of 93 Section 3.07 Student Financial Aid Appeal Af i n satnucdi ae ln ta i nd ost u ms peeent si ni ogn SbAyP s sutbamn di tat ri ndgs adnu eA pt op eeaxl t oe nf uFai nt ianngc icailr cAui md sStaatni scfeasc tmo rayy Aacpapdeeaml i ac Ph or os pg ri teaslsi z. aEt xi oanmopfl es se l fo of re ixmt emn ue da ti ai nt eg f caimr ci ul ymms teamn cbeesr , idnec al ut hd eo fai mmma jeodri amt ee fdai mc aill yc omnedmi tbi oenr , oo rr vnioctticmons soifdveiroeldenetxcterinmueasti.nPgecrisrocnuaml sotrafninceasn.cial issues with family, friends, or roommates are Tc ohme pFlientaenfci ni aal nAc ii adl Aa ipdp feoalld Ce ro ma nmd i tatreee ewn ri lol l loendl yf oervtahl ue asteemaepspt ee ra los f faopr pset auld. eSnttusdwe nhtos shha ov ue l da mt o aekne spuar ye mt heantt tahrer ya nagreemneontt sd rwoipt hp et dh ef oBru nr soanr-’ sp aOyfmf i ceen tw. hTi l he et hset ui rdaepnpt ewa li l il s bbee innogt irf ei evdi e twh er du official University student email account when the results of the appeal are available. Federal rinesgtuitlauttiioonnsaldooffinceotoraollfofwiciatlh.e decisions of the Committee to be overturned by another Section 3.08 Attendance Policy Am ve imt abl epra kr te oe pf es vae cr yu rsrt eundte an tt t’ se ne dd au nc ac et i or en ci os rrde gounl aarl last tt ue nd de na nt sc. eAobf scel na sc se smme ea tyi nagf fse. cEtvtehrey qf aucaul il tt yy of a student’s work and grades. To learn more about the Attendance Rule and specific excused absences, read Appendix A. Section 3.09 Student Leave of Absence Tg rhaed uS taut ed eanf tte Lr eaanv ae bos fe nAcbes ef rnocme (TLAOMAI)Ur. uEllei g ai bs lsei sst tsu adne dn t es nacroeuerna cgoe us rsatguedde nt ot st at ko e raedt uv rann taang de othfethe benefits provided by a LOA, e.g., a returning student need not apply for readmission to University and may participate in their regularly scheduled registration/enrollment pT eorlieoadr nu pmoonrreeat ubronu. tPtlheea sSet undoetne tt hL ea at vr ee -oafdAmbi ss es inocne t(oL Oa Ac o) lrl eugl ee, pr er oa dg rAa pmpme nadyi xb eB .r e q u i r e d . Section 3.10 Faculty and Staff Contact Information Te mA Ma i Il Us aonf df e rosf f iacne ol oncl ai nt ieo nd .i rAe cpt roirnyt awb il teh dui rseecf tuol r iyn fwo irtmh aatlilo pn htohnaet np ur omvbi deer ss ipshaolns oe an vuami l ba eb rl es ,. Please visit for this information or call 956.326.2001.
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