Page 13 of 93 Section 3.11 Copyright Twhoer kCsoapnydr i gdhi stt rAi bc tu ot ef c1o9p7i6e sgor af nt ht se icrowp yorrikg. hWt oo wr knsetrhsatthree ceexicvleu sciovpeyrriigghhtt tpor or et epcrtoi odnu ci ne ctlhuedier po fu tbhl ies hc oe pd ywr iogrhkts ms ua cyhc aosn as tti et ux tt eb oc oo kp .yCr oi gphyti ni ngf rai nt egxetmb oe onkt . wC ii vt hi loaunt dp ec rr immi isns ai ol np ef rnoaml t i tehsemo awynbe er ac rs isme si ns eadl pfeonr a lctoi epsy irni gc hl ut d ien af r if ni ngee mu pe nt ot . $C2i5v 0i l , 0p0e0n aa nl tdi e ismipnrcilsuodnemde anmt . aTg oe sl eua pr n tmo o$r1e 0, p0 l, 0e a0s0e; visit and refer to TAMIU SAP 29.01.99.L1, Information Resources. Section 3.12 Risk, Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Misconduct Hotline Ee nv ve irryo nTmAeMn It U. I fs tyuodue nhta vseh af ar cetsu atlhien f or rems paot ni osni b si lui tgyg e os tf i v pe r oo fmuont isnagf e , afnr a uedt huilceanl t , awnads t es fauf el , aa fbfui lsi ai vt ee,, woer wi naanptpyr oo up rti aot er e pa cotritv iitti.e Es xianmv opllveisnogf ar enpyo rTtAa bMl eI Ui s seumeps lionycel ue ,d es:t u d e n t , o r o t h e r • Misuse of TAMIU Property, Information, Resources (i.e., taking University property home for personal use; driving a University vehicle to run personal errands; using a University credit card to buy personal items) • Violations of Safety Rules or Environmental Laws • Theft (i.e., stealing or borrowing money) • Conflicts of Interest • NCAA Violations • Inappropriate Conduct • Harassment • Discrimination Reports can be made using the Texas A&M University System risk, fraud, and misconduct hotline called EthicsPoint. EthicsPoint is a telephone and web-based reporting system that is itnhdeependently operated and available 24/7. Students can submit an anonymous report via EthicsPoint link above (the link is also located at the bottom of all TAMIU webpages) by following the instructions under “Raise a Concern” or by calling toll free 1.888.501.3850. EthicsPoint reports are forwarded to the appropriate TAMIU official for action. If you have questions about EthicsPoint, please contact the Office of Compliance at 956.326.2855. Visit The State Auditor's Office investigates allegations of illegal acts including: • Theft • Forgery • Tampering with a governmental record • Securing execution of document by deception • Misapplication of fiduciary property • Conversion of funds
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