TAMIU Student Handbook 2023-2024

Page 14 of 93 ai sc pt i uo bn l itshhreodu gi nh tthhee Te As tMa bI Ul i sShteadn dc aorndd Au cdtmpionliiscti reas t ai vnedPprroocceedduurree(sS. ATPh)e2f1u. l9l 9s.o0l9i c. Li t1a.t0i o1n. p o l i c y For more information, contact Community Relations and Special Events at .956.326.2001 lhotctpat:/e/dwinwSwT.Cta2m7i1u.oerduvi/sciot:mpliance/documents/21.99.09.L1.01AccesstoUniversityPropert yforSalesandSolicitationPurposes.pdf. Section 3.13 Campus Parking and Non-Motorized Vehicles SastuwdeenlltsaasreSyesxtpeemcteadndto comply with all applicable parking, traffic, and transportation laws, University policies, rules, regulations, and procedures which are enforced 24 hours a day by the University Police. Parking permits are only required for designated reserved parking lots and spaces. Non-motorized vehicles and wheeled devices: Bicycles and wheeled devices are permitted ot inmceasm. Bpiuc sy;chl eoswme vues rt , brei dpear sr koef dt hi ensbe idc ye cvliec ersa mc kus sat vyai ei lladbtl he et hr irgohutg- ohfo-uwtacyatmo ppuesd. e s t r i a n s a t a l l No wheeled devices are permitted inside University buildings, residence halls and/or athletics courts/fields. This provision shall not be construed to exclude or limit the use of wheelchairs or other medically prescribed/necessitated accessibility devices on campus. Wheeled devices may not be used on railings, ramps, curbs, stairs/steps, benches or any such ftioxtures that may be damaged by these activities, and individuals may be liable for damage University property caused by these activities. Hover boards and similar motorized devices may not be charged anywhere on campus (indoors or outdoors). For more information on parking regulations, visit: http://www.tamiu.edu/adminis/police/trfrgs.shtml. Section 3.14 Pets Pets are not allowed in campus buildings at any time. The only exceptions are: 1. Sr eelravtiecde tAontihme adl si s ai nbdi liivt iydoufaal lny itnrda ii vnieddu at ol wdiot hwaodr iks aobri lpi teyr faonrdm, t a s k s t h a t a r e d i r e c t l y 2. Es umpoptoi or tn at hl aStu pa lpl eovr ita At ensi mo na el s o(rE SmAo) ,r ed ei df iennetdi f iaesd asny ma npitmo ma ls t ohra te pf freocvt si doefs ae mp eortsi oonna' sl ddiissaabbiilliittyiebs.ut does not have special training to perform tasks that assist people with

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