Page 14 of 93 • Abuse of official capacity • Gift to a public servant by a person subject to his or her jurisdiction • Breach of computer security • Organized crime • Money laundering • Bribery Reports can be made to the Texas State Auditor’s Office by calling 1-800-892-8348 or submitting an online report at Section 3.13 Solicitation PT eArMs oI Un sc ai nmt epruess, t we dh ei nt heenrgtahgei ns go liinc i st ao tl ii oc int ai tsi op ne rws ohni cahl , mp rai ny treeds uo lrt ei lne cat sr oa lnei co, rmduosnt af ti iros nt ,r oe cneti hv ee ps teurdmeinstssi o na n df r osmt u dt he en t Ogf friocue p os f mCuosmt maul snoi t yf oRl l oe lwa t i rounlse sa neds t aSbplei schi aeld Ebvye n tt hs ;e aDd idviitsi oi onna l loyf, IPnrsetsi itduet inotn af ol rA dI nvsatni tcuetmi oennatl. AUdpvoann sc ue bmme ni sts iwo ni l lo fr et hn ed ecro ma pdl ee tcei sdi of onr mo ns , tt hh ee Or ef fqi cuee sotf. t hIet Vi si c ea vt hi oi sl astei oc nt i of onr, satnuyd epne trss ownhtoo ds oo l ni coi tt oa rb isdeel l bt oy st ht uedoeunttlsi nwe di t hporuotc epsrsi oarr ea pspurboj ve ac tl , taos doius tcliipnlei ndabr yy ai sc pt i uo bn l itshhreodu gi nh tthhee Te As tMa bI Ul i sShteadn dc aorndd Au cdtmpionliiscti reas t ai vnedPprroocceedduurree(sS. ATPh)e2f1u. l9l 9s.o0l9i c. Li t1a.t0i o1n. p o l i c y For more information, contact Community Relations and Special Events at .956.326.2001 lhotctpat:/e/dwinwSwT.Cta2m7i1u.oerduvi/sciot:mpliance/documents/21.99.09.L1.01AccesstoUniversityPropert yforSalesandSolicitationPurposes.pdf. Section 3.14 Campus Parking and Non-Motorized Vehicles SastuwdeenlltsaasreSyesxtpeemcteadndto comply with all applicable parking, traffic, and transportation laws, University policies, rules, regulations, and procedures which are enforced 24 hours a day by the University Police. Parking permits are only required for designated reserved parking lots and spaces. Non-motorized vehicles and wheeled devices: Bicycles and wheeled devices are permitted ot inmceasm. Bpiuc sy;chl eoswme vues rt , brei dpear sr koef dt hi ensbe idc ye cvliec ersa mc kus sat vyai ei lladbtl he et hr irgohutg- ohfo-uwtacyatmo ppuesd. e s t r i a n s a t a l l No wheeled devices are permitted inside University buildings, residence halls and/or athletics courts/fields. This provision shall not be construed to exclude or limit the use of wheelchairs or other medically prescribed/necessitated accessibility devices on campus.
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