TAMIU Student Handbook 2023-2024

Page 15 of 93 • Ed iSsAasb ial irtei eps e or mn i tat e cda os en-lbyyi-nc arsees i dbeans itsi a. l Ff aocri l irtei eqsu feosrt sa pt op r ohvaevde sat nu d Ee nS At s wi ni t ha residential facility, please contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Pets may be allowed on campus grounds (but never in campus buildings) provided they are laecat si vhiet ide so, ri n os tt rhuecr twi oi snea l uonr doet rh et rhwe i sc eo.nOt rwo ln eorf s tahree or ews np eo rn sai nb dl e af or re cnl eoat n di ni sgruupp tai fvt ee rt toh ec iarmp pe tuss, and failure to do so may result in a citation. Unattended pets will be removed from University property and will be turned over to City of Laredo animal control authorities. All Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals, and pets are required to have updated vaccinations as mandated by local and state law. Section 3.15 Housing and Residence Life He xopuesci tnegd at no dc oRme spildyewn ci teh LailfleTpArMo vI Ui dreusl eas vaanrdi ept yr oocfe do un r- ceas m, i npcul su dl iivnign gt hoops tei oa nd so. p tSetdu dt oe ne tnss ua rr ee the health and welfare of those who reside in, work in, or visit TAMIU housing. For more information about Housing and Residence Life rules and community standards, visit: http://www.americancampusresidents.com/residentiallearningcommunity. Section 3.16 Recognized Student Organizations RmeecmogbneirzseadndSttuhdeent Organizations are formed to further the common interest of their University community. Organizations are open to all students to serve an eOsrsgeanntiizaal t i oc onms pa no dn etnhte i rt oa dtvhi seo rcsoa- cr ue rrrei csuploanr s i pb lreo gf or ar mc os maptl i aTnAc eM wI Ui .t h RtehceoSgtnui dz eedn t SCtouddee no tf Cstounddeunctt,oSrgtaatneizaantdionfesdaerrealalvaawilsa.blMeoinre information and guidelines concerning recognized The Leader, a guidebook published by the Office of Student Orientation, Leadership and Engagement (SOLE) or visit: http://www.tamiu.edu/sole/. Section 3.17 Hazing HI t aizs i na gviiso laa ct iroi mn eo futnhdee rC oTdeex a(sa nL da wo.f I st tias t ae l sl aowp)r ot oh i ebni tgeadgue ni dn ehr atzhien gS,t uodr etnot oCtohdeer wo fi sCeosnodl ui cci tt ., er encckolue rs as gl ye ,pdeirrme ci tt , ha ai dz ionrg abt yt eamnpott ht oe ra it do aonc oc ut hr .e rAi ns teundgeangti nwghion rheaczei invge. sI tf iirss at hl saon ad vki no ol awt iloend gt oe oi nf ct ihdee np tl ahnansi nogc couf rar se pd e, chi af isc ahna zai fnf igr mi n ac it di veen tr eosrphoanss fi ibr isl ti thya nt od rkenpoowr tl et dh ge ei nt hc ai dt eanstpienc iwf i rc i ht i anzgi nt og dtheean of students or another appropriate official of TAMIU. Notification will be provided to University community as required by law.

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