Page 16 of 93 Section 3.17 Recognized Student Organizations RmeecmogbneirzseadndSttuhdeent Organizations are formed to further the common interest of their University community. Organizations are open to all students to serve an eOsrsgeanntiizaal t i oc onms pa no dn etnhte i rt oa dtvhi seo rcsoa- cr ue rrrei csuploanr s i pb lreo gf or ar mc os maptl i aTnAc eM wI Ui .t h RtehceoSgtnui dz eedn t SCtouddee no tf Cstounddeunctt,oSrgtaatneizaantdionfesdaerrealalvaawilsa.blMeoinre information and guidelines concerning recognized The Leader, a guidebook published by the Office of Student Orientation, Leadership and Engagement (SOLE) or visit: Section 3.18 Hazing HI t aizs i na gviiso laa ct iroi mn eo futnhdee rC oTdeex a(sa nL da wo.f I st tias t ae l sl aowp)r ot oh i ebni tgeadgue ni dn ehr atzhien gS,t uodr etnot oCtohdeer wo fi sCeosnodl ui cci tt ., er encckolue rs as gl ye ,pdeirrme ci tt , ha ai dz ionrg abt yt eamnpott ht oe ra it do aonc oc ut hr .e rAi ns teundgeangti nwghion rheaczei invge. sI tf iirss at hl saon ad vki no ol awt iloend gt oe oi nf ct ihdee np tl ahnansi nogc couf rar se pd e, chi af isc ahna zai fnf igr mi n ac it di veen tr eosrphoanss fi ibr isl ti thya nt od rkenpoowr tl et dh ge ei nt hc ai dt eanstpienc iwf i rc i ht i anzgi nt og dtheean of students or another appropriate official of TAMIU. Notification will be provided to University community as required by law. Both failing to report hazing and hazing that does not result in serious bodily injury are Class BH amz iins gd er me seual tni on rgs i. nHaa zdienagt ht hi sa ta rset sa ut el t jsa ii lnf esleorni oy u. As nb oo dr gi layn ii znaj ut iroyn ifso ua nCdl agsusi l At y mo fi shdaezmi negamn oary. ba me foi nu ne dt d$o5u, 0b0l e0s ttoh $e 1l o0 s, 0s 0o0r oe rx,pfeonr si ensc iidnec nu trsr ecda ubsei cnagups ee rosfotnhael hi najzuirnyg oi nr cpi rdoepnet .r t y d a m a g e , a n It is not a defense to prosecution that the person hazed consented to the hazing activity. A person reporting a specific hazing incident to the University is immune from civil and ccroinmdiuncatlclhiaabriglietsy. unless the report is made in bad faith. This includes immunity to student State law does not limit or affect an education institution’s right to enforce its own penalties against hazing. The Education Code (Texas Education Code, Chapter 37) defines hazing as “any intentional, kp ne roswo inn go,r oarcrt ei ncgk lwe si st ha cott ho ec rc su, rdr ii nr egcot endoar goafifntshteac as tmu pd eu ns toffoarnt he de upcuart pi oonsael oi nf spt li et udtgi ionng b, by eoi nn ge ionrigt ai antiezda t iionnt .o” , T ha fef isl itaattiuntge cwo ni ttha,i nhs oal dl iisnt go f ocfof ni cdeu citn, ,wohri c hmcaoinnsttaiitnuitnegs hma zeimn gb. e r s h i p i n a n
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