Page 21 of 93 EStduudceantitoCneanltperam12p5hloertscaalrle95a6v.a3i2la6b.2le2, 3u6p.on request, at Student Health Services located in Section 3.28 Bystander Provision Ti sAaMmI Uo ve ne mc oeunrta, gae sp ar on gdr tarma i, nasnsdt uadne na tcst itoonr. eTs hp eo nadi mt o oof t Gh er er se ni n Da omt oi smt eonpt roef vneenet da. nGdr ereend Du coet ps poewaekr u- bpa, saendd vi ni ot el er nr uc ep t apt oTt eAnMt iIaUl abcyt s eonf gvai go il ne ng cset. uTdheen Gt sr eaesn aDc ot itv me obvyes mt a enndte irss awb ohuo t sgtaei pn i ni ng, aancdrivtiicsaibl lmy arsesdoufcestpuodwenetrs-,bsatsaeffdapnedrsfaocnualltvyiwolheoncaer.e willing to do their small part of actively The best way to get involved with Green Dot and maximize your impact as an active by oy us t awnidl lelre ai sr nt ot haet tseknidl l sGor ef ebne iDn og taBnyasct at invde ebryTs traani ndienrg, . eTxhaemtirnaei nyionugr i so wf rne eb. a Ar rti et hr si st ot r taai nk ii nn gg av ci ot il oe nn c, ea.n d Vuilstiitm: a thetl typg: /a/i nw wt hwe .at abmi l iituy. etdo ui/nct oe rmvpe nl i ae necaer/l yT iot lne IiXn/sgirt eueant idoonts. sthhtamt lc o uf ol dr l ema do rt oe information. Section 3.29 Student Travel St rt auvdeel ni nt gt ri na vt eerl nt ahtai ot ni nacl ll yu do er sd bo omt ehs st itcu, dme un st tosrugbamn iizt apt ai opne(rsw) oarnkd vni ao nt h- se t Tu rdaeinl bt l oa zr ge ar sn iwz ae tbi po na g( se): hp tr ti po rs : /t o/ ttarma vi ue l. ptraeksi enng c pe .l iaoc/ef of or mr as .p Pp rr oo pv ae lr. dP ol ecausme evni st iat t itohne wT Ai l Ml bI Ue rReuql ue i r1e3d. 0 t4o. 9b9e. Ls1u tboml iet at er nd more about student travel. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Orientation, Leadership and E9 5n6g a. 3g2e6m. 2e1n9t 4 ,aot r t9h5e6O. 3f f2i 6c e. 2o2f8I0n,t e rt hnea t i oOnf failcEe n goaf g eEmnevni rtoantm9 5e n6t. 3a2l 6H. 2e2a8l2t h. a n d S a f e t y a t Section 3.30 TAMIU Rules and Standard Administrative Procedures (SAP) A ta l b l T c A a M lle IU d rules and SAPs are accessible from the Office of Compliance webpage under the TAMIU Rules & SAP’s. For more information, please contact the Office of Compliance at 956.326.2855.
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