Page 27 of 93 3. Tchhaeirswtuidthenint faivned faculty member will meet with the faculty member’s department University business days of the notice of receipt. 4. Iwf itthheingfriiveevance remains unresolved after meeting with the department chair, then University business days of the meeting with the chair, both the student aancaddtehmeifcaacdumltyinmisetrmabtoerr two iwll hmoemetthweitchhaeiirthreerpothrtes)d.ean of the respective college (or 5. Ififvtehe complaint remains unresolved after that meeting, it will then be heard within University business days by an ad hoc committee consisting of the faculty mm ee mm bb ee rr ’ os rdaedpma ri tnmi set nr at t cohr asier l, etchtee dDbi rye tcht oe rs touf dSeCnCt E. T( ho re tchheaiirr do fe st hi genceoem) , ma ni tdt eae fwa ci lul lbt ye tf ah ceu Dl t yi r emc et omr boe fr , SaCnCdE c (oonrs i tdheeri irn gd easni yg ndeoec) u. mA fet ne tr a thi eo anr ihnags fbr eoemn pt hr eo vsi tduedde, nt ht ea na dd ht ho ec cwoimthminitftiveee will make its recommendation in writing to the Provost. This will occur University business days after the committee concludes its deliberations. 6. Within five University business days after receiving the ad hoc committee’s 7. d D ex e e t l a e ib d n e l u i r n a a e t t i s i n o g n fo , c r ti h rc e e u a P m c r h o s t v a a o f n o s c t r e e ws m i j l u e l s n n t t o i i f o t y i n f d y e o d ii n n s wg t e s r p i o t . i ni ng bt ho et h ppraorct ieesss omf tahye fbi ne a lr edveicsiesdi o ns.h o u l d ARTICLE 5. HONOR PLEDGE On my honor, as a member of the TAMIU community, I pledge to uphold the values of respect, integrity, service and excellence throughout my academic and professional career. ARTICLE 6. THE STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND STANDARDS Students are members of the University community and assume full responsibility for proper conduct until their separation from the institution. Misconduct at the University is not acceptable. All students at the University have a responsibility to ensure the honesty of others through their own individual actions and deeds. Conduct standards at the University are set forth in writing in order to give students general nnoottidceesoigf nperdohtoibditeefdinbeephraovhioibri.tTedhecsoendpurocht iibnietexdhabueshtaivveiotresrmshso. uld be read broadly and are
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