TAMIU Student Handbook 2023-2024

Page 28 of 93 11. “Discrimination” means a materially adverse action or actions that intentionally or ua fnf ei ncttes n tt ihoen atlel yr me sx c laundde s coonned i ftri oonm of uf l le pmapr ltoi cyimp aetni ot n oirn , adcecne isess ttoh e ebdeunceaftiitosn oa fl , oo rr ionrsi gt iitnu, tai og ne ,adl ips raobgi lri at ym, gs ebneectai cu isnef oo rf ma na tiinodni, vviedtuear la’ sn rsat ac et u, sc,osl eoxr u, sael xo,r ri eenl itgai toino ,nn, ga et inodnearl iDdies nc rt ii tmy i, n oa rt i oann iyn col ut hdeers hc laarsassi sf imc aetni ot n( b pa sr eo dt e oc tne db o bt hy hfoesdt ei lrea le, n svti ar ot en, moern tl oacnadl ql auwi d. 12. p “ ro quo) and retaliation based on a legally protected category. Faculty member” means any person hired by the University to conduct classroom, teaching, or research activities or who is otherwise considered by the University to be 13. a “ member of its faculty. (Refer to the Faculty Handbook) Honor Council” means the hearing body responsible for administering academic violation cases involving students. 14. “Incapacitation” means the physical and/or mental inability to make informed, rational judgments. States of incapacitation include, but are not limited to, sleep, un no tc of onrsmc iionugs mn eesms , oarni edsb) .r Wo whne or eu tasl caonhdobl loarc ko ot huet rs d( wr uhgesr ea raeni ni nvdoilvvieddu, a l i s a w a k e b u t i s incapacitation is dmeaf ki ni ne dg cwaipt ha cri et ys ,paewc tatroe nh eosws ot hf ec os nu sbes qt aunecnec ec os ,nasnudmaebdi liimt yptaoc mt s aakpe ef rusl ol yn i’ sn fdoercmi sei od n - 15. j“udgments. Investigation” means the process to obtain and review facts relevant to one or more conduct charges. Investigations may result in charge(s), a form of alternative dispute 16. resolution, or dismissal of complaint. “Investigative authority” means one or more trained individuals appointed to cc oo nn cdluucdtea fiof ,r mbaals iendv eos nt i g at ht ieo n pt roedpiosnc odveer ar nacned eoxf a mt hi en e et hv iedfeancct se ,o ft ahne a al llel egga at itoi onna nids si nuvbosltvainntgi aatlel edg, autni osnu bosf tsaenxt-iba at es de d, obre hi f atvhi eo rr es , itsh ei nisnuvfef isctiiegna tt i ivnef oa ur mt haotri oi tny . wI ni l lgbr ei elvi ma ni tceeds taop pornol yp rri ea pt eo rdtei nt egr mt hien ae tvi iodne ns uc er r cooulnl edci tnegd cdr eudr ii nb gi l i tt hy eo if nwv ietsntei gs as et iso ann, da se vwi ed lel nacse .i s s u i n g 17. “Institution” or “University” means TAMIU. 18. “Member of the University community” includes any person who is a student, faculty member, staff, University official or any other person employed by the University. 19. “Mitigating factors” means facts or circumstances that may be relevant to the aadjujusdtiifciacatitoionnoor rsaenxccutisoenfionrg tohfeaosftfuednesne tincoqnudeusctitocnass.e. These factors do not constitute 20. “Not in good disciplinary standing” means a student who is subject to the following rtheestrictions: ineligibility to hold an office in any student organization recognized by University or to hold any elected or appointed position within the University; ineligibility to compete in intercollegiate athletic activity; ineligibility to represent the

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