Page 36 of 93 Harassment. Behavior that is severe, pervasive, or persistent to a degree that a reasonable pb ee nr seof int . sTi mh iisl abrel yh as vi tiuoar tiendc lwu do ue sl d, bbuet pi sr envoet nl it me di tferdo mt o ,avc ec er bs sailnagbauns ee, dt uh cr ea at itosn, ianl toi mp pi do ar tt ui onni ,t ya nodr coercion. In addition, harassment may be conducted by a variety of mediums, including but not limited to, physical, verbal, graphic, written, or electronic. Hazing. Any act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or that dc aeus tsri no gy soot hr erresmt oo vpe as rpt iuc bi pl iact eo ri np rdi ev ga rt ea dpi nr ogpbe er thya; vai onrd /aonrd /a os sr i sbtei nhga ,vdi oi rr etcht iant gc, aours iens ar ni dyi cwu al ey, hreupmuitlaiatitoionn,ofortheemobragrarnaiszsamtieonnt,; garnodu/po, roerngaging in conduct which tends to bring the University into disrepute for the purpose of ignr iot ui apt ioorno, ragdamn ii sz saitoi onni;not ro ,a as fpf ial irat toi of na nwy iat hc t, iov ri t ya so af ac roencdoigt inoi nz efdo rs tcuodnetni nt uoer dg amn iezma tbi oenr s, hs ti up di ennat go rr oaunpy, oort hs pe re cgi ar ol ug rpo uo pr so. rPgraenviizoaut si ol yn r ae cl itei vd i tuyp, opnr a“ tcrt ai cdei t oi orntsr, ”a d( ii nt icol nu )d iinngt ef nr at t oe fr nsiut yc h/ s ao cr tosr, i toyr, cs uo ef fri cc ei oans bayj ucsutri frieanbtl eorrefaosromn ef ro rs tpuadr et incti pl ea at idoenr isnosfuscuhc ahc gt sr. oI ut pi ss n, oo rt af odremf eenr sset ut hdaetntths ewpiel lr snoont (boerh agvrioourpi n) qaug aeisnt isotnw. Rheofme r ttoh eS ehcat .z3i n. 1g7 wHaasz i ndgi rfeocrt eedx acmopnlseesn. t e d t o , o r a c q u i e s c e d t o , t h e HPearzsionngaisl HalaszoinagvOioffleantisoens)o.f Texas State Law (See the Texas Education Code – EDUC 37.152. Misuse of Computing Resources. Failure to comply with University regulations and pa bo ul i sc ei e so, f l iccoe mn sme ua ng rael erme seonut sr c, ea sn, d ucsoen torfa cc tosmgpo uv teerrn irnegs onue rt wc eosr kf o, rs ouf tnwa au rt eh oarni dz ehda rcdowmamr ee rucsi ae l; pc oumr ppousteesr osre pc ue rr si toyn, ahl agrami nf u; fl aai lcucrees st oopr r iont ve ac st ipo ans sowf oprrdi voa rc yu. s Me oi sf ussteu daenndt/aocrc oo ut hnet ;r barbeua sc eh oo ff com 1 p . uter facilities and resources including, but not limited to: 2 3 . . UU ss ee oo ff ac onmo tphuetri ni ngdfiavci idl iutai el ’ss ai dnednrtei fsioc autricoens at on ds/eonrd poabssscwe no redo. r t h r e a t e n i n g m e s s a g e . Use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws. Off-Campus Conduct. When a student is alleged to have violated the Student Code of Conduct by an offense committed off of University premises, the University may investigate and adjudicate. The University may take action in situations occurring off University premises iontvhoelrvwinisgesatdudveernsteclyonadffuecctt tthhaet may cause harm to another, result in damage to property, or University community and its standing in the community. This aSct ut idoennmt Eanygbaegetmakeennt fdoert eeritmheinreasfftihl iaatt et hdeoorffneonnsaefafiflfieact et sdtahcet ivit ies. If t he Vice President for University as stated above, then the SCCE Office shall hold an administrative hearing to consider whether the offense is of
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