Page 37 of 93 saupcphronpartiuartee aacstisoent.oTuhteaabcotvioen, wofhtehteher or not the student committed the offense, and take University administrative hearing officer shall be made independent of any off-campus authority. Physical Abuse. Any attempt to cause injury or inflict pain; or causing injury or inflicting pr eaai ns o. nAalbs loy bc ae ul i se ivnegt hpaht yt shiec aolt hceornwt ai cl lt r ewgiat rhd at hneo tchoenrt a wc thaesno ftf he ne s ipveer os or np r ko nv oo cwast i voer. I st hi so nu ol dt a defense that the person, group, or organization against whom the physical abuse was directed consented to, or acquiesced to, the physical abuse. The physical abuse rule is not intended to prohibit the following conduct: • Cthuestomary public athletic events, contests, or competitions that are sponsored by University or the organized and supervised practices associated with such events; or • Aa nl ey gai ct itmi vai ttye oerxct or ancduurcrti ct uh laatr f uprrtohgerrasmt h oe rg oaa ll es goift iaml ea gt ei t immial ittea er yd ut cr aa ti ni oi nn ag l pc ur or rgircauml u ma s, defined and approved by the University. Reckless Driving. Driving in a manner that recklessly endangers the health and/or safety of oneself or others. Retaliation. Any adverse action taken against a person for making a good faith report of a violation of Texas A&M System policies, University rules, student rules, and/or the law, or for pR ae rt at ilci ai pt iaot ni nign ci nl u da en sy t ph rr oe ac et eendiinngg, irnetl iamt ei dd attoi n tgh, eh ai nr avsessi tni gg a, ct iooenr coi nr gr eo sr oal nu yt i oo nt h oe rf cs ou nc hd urcetptohratt. wR eotua ll di a dt iios nc omu raaygbe ea prreeasseonnt aebvl ee np we rhs eo rne f trho emr ee insgaa gdiencgi si ino na cot if v“iut yn spur bo st et ac nt et di a ut endd, ”e r“ i tnhsius fpf ioc li iecnyt. iRnef toarlmi a at itoi onnd ot oe ss un bo st t iannctliuadt ee, ”g o“ no od t f ar iet shp ao cntsi iobnl es , ”l a wa nf du /l l oy r p “unros ut egdu ii lnt yr”e sopno nt hs ee taol l ea graet pi oonrst .. Violation of an interim, remedial, or protective measure will be considered retaliation.
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