Page 40 of 93 Weapons and Explosives. Illegal or unauthorized use, possession, or storage of fireworks or explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on University premises or at any University-sponsored activity is prohibited. In addition, use of any such item, even if lTehgea ltl eyr pmo sws ee as speodn, ii sn daemf i na endn ears tahnayt oh ba rj emc ts ,otrh sr ue ab tset na ns ,c oe rdceasui gs ne es df eoarr ut os eodt ht oe ri sn fi lsi cpt rao hwi bo ui t ne dd ,. taol l cfai ruesaeromr st, hpr ee al lteetn gi un nj usr, yt, aosre rt os , i ns tcuanp agcui tnast ,e .sWl i negasphoont ss , mmaayr itni acll uadret s, bduet vai rc ee sn, ostwl iimt c iht eb dl a tdoe, knives and clubs. ARTICLE 7. ACADEMIC CONDUCT Aa ns dmi enmt ebg er irtsy i ni natnh ea icra pd ue mr siuci tc oomf hmi guhnei rt ye, ds ut ucda et inotns, abteTmA Ma t IuUr ea, rbeee sxeplef -cdt ei rde ct ot eadc ta wn di t bh eh aobnlees tt oy mm aa ny af gi nedt ht he ei rmoswe lnv easf f faai cr si n. gS taucdaednetms iwc haon da rdei sucni pwl ii nl l ai nr gy tsoa nacbtiidoen sb. y St thuedseenbt sa sai rc ee ex xppe ec ct at et ido nt os sa hc tasr et hi na t t hv ieorl ae tsep ot hnes i Tb Ai l iMt yI Ua nHdoanuotrh oC roi dt ye .wFi tohr f ma courl tey i an nf odr smt aa ftfi ot on cohna ltlhe en gHeoannodr mC oadk ee , kpnl eo aws ne vhitstipts:/t/hwewwOf.tfaicmeiu.oefdu/Sstuccdee/n.t Conduct and Community Engagement website at TAMIU Faculty have the authority to implement academic rules or impose grade penalties as appropriate. For more information, please visit the TAMIU Faculty Handbook. Section 7.01 Violations of Academic Conduct AAccaaddeemmiicc vviioollaattiioonn iinscalundyeasc, tb,uotrisatntoetmlipmt,itwedhitcoh: gives an unfair advantage to the student. Bribery. Providing, offering or taking rewards in exchange for a grade, an assignment or the aid of academic violation. Cheating. An act of deception in which a student misrepresents that the student has m to a : stered information related to an academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited a. Cl oogpsy, oi nrga nf ryo omt haenrottyhpeer osft ruedpeonrtt’ so rt eascta, dl aebm ri ce pe ox er tr,c icsoem. p u t e r f i l e , d a t a l i s t i n g , b. c. U C m o s a i n t n s e g u r i u l a t n i l n s a gu t h t a h a c t o e gr l i i l z v p e e h d a o m n n a a e d t , e t v e r a i x a n t l t s m a g d e e u s r s o i a v n g e g e r a s o , t t P e h D s e t A r . s s,t updr oegnrtas md umrai nbgl eacnael cxualma t.o r s w i t h
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