Page 41 of 93 d. Ua nsoi nt gh ecrrsi bt u ds he ne et 'tss t eosrt po tahpeerr thoi dcdoepny sntor at et es giine s aonr aenxsawmei rnsa. t i o n o r l o o k i n g a t e. Hbeavgiinvgenanorotihneprrpoegrrseossn. supply questions or answers from an examination to f. Ho ra vtiankge a apne resxoanmoi tnhaet ri otnh aonr o anne ys e lof t (hreerg i gs treardeedd f oarc ttihvei t yc l. a Isns ) tahtet es em pc ta st eo st, a ak lel cwointhseanntiHnognpoarrPtileesdgtoe vthioelaattitoenm. pt to gain unfair advantage may be charged g. Dn oe tl i lbeegri at itme l ay t feal lys idf ye irni vg el da bi no rtaht eo rsyi t rueastui ol tns , aonrds ub by mt hi se s pi or no coef dsua rme ps lpe rs eosrc rf ii nb de idn og sr h. a Rin l e l s o v t w r is u i a c n b t g o le r. a ' snkdnorwesluedbgmeitatnindgcoansqeunitz. or exam for regrading, without the i. Giving or receiving unauthorized aid on a take-home examination. j. Fatatceimlitpattiinngg toachaedlpemanicothveior ltaotivoino:latienttehnetHioonnaollryPloerdgek.nowingly helping or k. Signing in another student's name on attendance sheets, rosters, Scantrons. l. Si nuvbemn ti tetdi n, og ri nf i cat ipt iaopuesr ,dtaht ea soi sr , el av bi d reenpcoe r, to, ro dr eol ti bh ee rr aat ce aodre kmnioc we xi negr lcyi sceo fnacl es iaf li iendg, m. o P ex r r a o d m c i u s i t r n o i a n r t t g i i o n a n g n s d t, h / pe o a r t p r a u e l e r te s n , r a in l t a u g b r w e r , i e o th p r o i o g u r i t n t s , p , o e o r r r m f u o i n s t c s h t i e o io r n n f a o r c o f a m sd u e c a m h p i p d c r a ot e a p x re o i r r a c t ei e s v e i a d s u , e tn h w c o h e r . e i tt y h e o r f dhaisncdaerddeidn otor athcteuaapllpyruosperdia, taenrdeeciitphieerntb.efore or after such materials have been n. Ut hsei ncgo, nbtue ynitns go, fs ea lnl i nu gn,- as tdema liinnigs ,t et rraends tpeosrt t, ian gr ,e sqouliircei tdi nags, sci go np my i ne ng toor rpao spsaessts ti en sgt, which has, by the professor, not been allowed to be kept by their students. Collusion. The unauthorized collaboration with one or more persons with the intent of cheating. Contract Cheating. The form of academic violation where students get academic work citotmhepmlesteedlvoesn. tEhxeaimr bpelehsalifn, cwluhdiceh, bthuet yartehennotsulibmmitietdfotroa: cademic credit as if they had created a. tLhoeomkifnrogmtothinetierrinnesttrsuictteosrfso. r the exact question/problem/scenario given to b. Pploasttfionrgmtsh)efeoxrascotm(oerosnuebtsotaanntsiwalelyr.similar) question(s) online (or social media
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