TAMIU Student Handbook 2023-2024

Page 42 of 93 Section 8.04 Good Cause Provision Tc ohme ps luari vn iavnotr. Ionr svui cc ht i mc i roc fu ma ns taalnl ec ge es ,d i fa tcht eo Vf imc ei sPc roensdi du ec tn tmoaf yS tbued eu nn twEi lnl ignagg et om es enrt v(eo ra st htehi er dinesthigeneinet)edreestetromf itnheethere is good cause for charges to be brought against the respondent(s) University community, the Vice President of Student Engagement (or tDhi er ei rc tdoers oi gf nTeiet l)e mI Xa ya npdr oCci ev ei ldRwi giht ht s cCoommppl al iiannt .c eI nwcial ls emsaiknev ot hl vei ndge tCeirvmi l i nRai gt ihotns . g r i e v a n c e s , t h e Section 8.05 Amnesty Tt oh ee hn es ua lrtihn ga ntdh sa at f es tt yu doef no tusr sotbutda ei nn t st i amr ee l oy f mp rei md i ac ar yl caosns icsetrann caet Tf Ao rM ItUh e. TmAsMe l IvUe si s ac no dm mf eiltltoewd Dustdevils in the case of medical emergencies. T th h e e Division of Student Engagement recognizes that the potential for disciplinary action by University may discourage students from seeking medical assistance for themselves or others in a time when medical attention is needed. TAMIU’s Amnesty assists individuals ws uhbosst ea njcuedsg mb ey n tr eomr ohvei anlgt h i mi s paef df ei mc t ee dn t sd u teo t os etehkei ncgo nms uemd ipctai ol na sosf i satlacnocheo. l Sotru dc oe nn tt rs o lal er de encouraged to contact the University Police Department, medical emergency professionals, or other University officials when medical assistance is needed. Isnh omu al dt t enrost opf rseevxeunatl rme ipsoc rotni ndgu cat n, c ionncci edrennst . r Te gAaMr dI Ui n gwai lllc o“ nh oo tl at na kde/ oarnoyt hdei sr cdi pr lui ng avriyo l aa ct itoi onns at hgea i nv si ct tai ms t uodf ,e no tr ean rwo liltende sa st t thoe, i anns t iitnuctiidoennwt hoof isnegx ouoa dl fhaai rt ha srsemp oe rntts, tsoe txhuea li nasst si tauut li to, ndbaet ii nn gg violence, or stalking [as defined in System Regulation 08.01.01, Civil Rights Compliance], for at hvei oi nl acti idoenn bt , yr tehgea rsdt ul edsesnot fotfhteh el oicnastti iot nu tai ot nw’ sh ci cohd et hoef icnocni ddeunc tt oo cc cc uu rr rr ei ndg oart tohrenoeuatrc tohme et i omf et hoef i5n1s.t2i8tu4t)i.on’s disciplinary process regarding the incident, if any.” (Texas Education Code Sec. To learn more about amnesty, please read Appendix D. Section 8.06 No Contact Orders (No Communication Order) NE nogCa og enmt aec nt tOorrd et hr se aOrfef i cdei roefc tCi ov me spilsi as un ec ed pbryo thhi be i tOi nf fgi cceoonft aScttu od re nc to mC omnudnuiccta at inodn Cboe mt wme eunn iot yr aa mS toundge nd et sCi og nn da tuecdt As tdumd ei nnitsst. r aNt oo rCoorn Dt ai cr te cOt rodr eor fs T( iNt lCeOI Xs ) aanrde Ci si svui leRd i gwhht es nC, oi nm tphl iea jnucdeg, mt heenr et oi sf reason to believe that an order would be in the best interest of all parties and the community

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