Page 42 of 93 c. Cspoepnydiningg tthime eptroouvniddeedrstaannsdwiet rordcihreeccktlyit fforromerrothrse. online source without d. Amtat ek mi n pg tti hn eg i tronha imd ee tvhi seiibr loe nol ri nbeyalcotgi vgiitni egsi nf rtoom“ hi enlspt ”i t suittieosnianl aa uwt haoy rtiht iaets cbayn nn oo tt be tied to their educational institution ID. Flagrant Academic Violation. Repeated or severe violation(s) of the academic rule. Lying. Deliberate falsification with the intent to deceive as it applies to an academic submission. Plagiarism. The act of passing off some other person’s ideas, words, or works as one’s own. Ibtyi na cnlyu do et hs ,ebr umt ei sa nn so,t al ni mo ti theedr ’tso w, t ohrekafpopr rsoupbrmi a itsi ns igo, nb ua sy ionnge, ’rse oc ewi vni na gc aadseam“igci fwt , o” rokr . oEbxtaami npi nl egs, include, but are not limited to: a. Fwaoilrikngastooncere’sdoitwsno.urces used in a work product in an attempt to present the b. Ionwt enn(tii. oe n. , awl liyt h, konuot wc ri endg il tyi ,nogr tchaer ea luetshsol yr po rr ecsreenattionrg ot rh eu nwaourtkh oo fr iazneodt hu es er aosf oAnI )e. ’ s c. Cauotphyoinr gortecsltaaimnscwreedrsitofrotrhtehewiodredassoorf pahnroatsheesr.of another without crediting the d. Bp uo rr cr ho wa siendg for or ml e na nd i inngd iav itdeur ma l opra po fefr t, hhea Inndtienrgn ei nt , oa rs syuobumr iot twi nng ,waos rokn ae ' sp aopwenr e. a S th n u e y b m i p n a i s t p t t r e i u n r c g s t o o th r r e . w soarmk ep rpoadpue cr t i nf r ommo rt eh et hf ial ne soonfea cnlya sgsr owui pt h, oc luutbt, hoer poer rgma ni si zs ai ot ino no .f ARTICLE 8. STUDENT CONDUCT DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Section 8.01 Right to File Incident Report for Student Code of Conduct Violations Any member of the University community has the right to file a report against a student that iwsitinhinvio1l5ation of the Student Code of Conduct. Incident report should be filed in writing University business days of the discovery of the alleged infraction of the Student Cs yosdt ee mo f C( hotnt pd :u/c/twt owtwh e. t aOmf f ii uc e. e od fu S/ true dp eonr tt i Ct )o. nTdhuec tt iamn de l iCnoems mf our n ti ht ye Ecnognadguecmt epnrtovc ieas sr e mp oaryt i nb ge eCxotmenmduenditfyorEnggoaogdemcaeunste. shown or at the discretion of the Office of Student Conduct and
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