Page 49 of 93 Section 9.06 Notification of Outcomes Ts thued oe nu tt caonmdei so fsaunb jaedc mt tion i tsht rea pt irvoet ehcetai or innsg oi sf pt haer t Foefdtehrea le dEudcuactai ot ino nr eRc oi grhdt so fatnhde Pr er si vpaocnydAi ncgt (FERPA) and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The notification of outcomes is sent to the students’ TAMIU email address unless other address(es) are necessary or appropriate. Section 9.07 Right to an Appeal (non-academic) Dp aescsi seido, nws hme na dt eh eb ya pap leoawl iesr e- lxehvaeul shteeadr, i onrg wb oh de ny as hsat ul l dneontt bc eh of ionsael sunnot ti l t ao na pa pp ep ae la. l d e a d l i n e i s A student who has been found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct has the rr iegqhutetsot af op rpme a, l otrh eo tohrei gr i ns taal tde edc ims ieotnh. oTdh feoar pspuebaml i ni tgt i sntgu da ennat pmpue satl , cwo mi t hpilne t fei vaen (o5n)l i n e a p p e a l University bn ue ws i ni ne vs se sdt ai gyas t oi of nt hoer da ef ul i lvl er rey- hoef atrhi en gd oe fc it shi eo nc a. sTeh. eT ah pe pr ee av li edwo ei ss lni mo ti tcerde at ot et ha ne sepnet ci ti lfei cmger no tu tnod as og ruot lui nn edds i nf otrh i s t shteu d eanptp de ai sl c i palni nda r yi npc rl uodc ee d uarlel . Tshuep pa po rptei na lg r e dq ou ceus tmme nutsat t si ot ant. e tShuep sppoerct ii nf i gc dbaosciusmfoernataptpioenal.may be typed, reproduced material, or other material directly related to the Civil Rights appeals follow different procedures as outlined in Univeristy Rule 08.01.01.L1 Civil Rights Complaint and Appeal Process. Academic violation appeals differ from other disciplinary matters. For more information on a D c i a sp d u em te i s c . grade appeals, go to the Student Handbook - Classroom Behavior & Academic Section 9.08 Bases for an Appeal An appeal may be based only upon one or more of the following grounds. 1. Procedural error: A procedural error or omission that significantly impacted the 2. outcome; New information: New information, unknown or unavailable during the original sstigundiefinctancotlnydiumcptaccotnefdertheencoeutocroamtet;he time of the original decision that could have 3. Severity of the sanctions: The appropriateness or severity of the sanctions.
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