Page 50 of 93 Section 9.09 The Appeals Panel University Disciplinary Appeal Panel (UDAP) members are appointed by the Vice President ot hf eS tCuhdaei nr , t aEnndg tawg eom( 2e )n ta, damn di nai spt raanteol ra. sTsheemcbhl ae idr pt oe rdseocni di se aa nn oa np -pveoatli nt ygpmi c ea ml l yb we ri lol fc Uo nDsAi sPt aonf da only participates in the deliberations of the panel to consult panelists regarding University Ra tut el enst i aonndo fPtrhoec eVdiuc er ePs .r eCsoi dnecne rt nosf Sotf ubdieanst oErn gcaognef lmi cet not ,f i ni n twe rr ietsi nt gm, wu si tt hbi ne tbhrroeue g h t t o t h e University botuhseinress days of notice of the panel members. New panel member(s) may be selected from University areas/divisions to ensure fair and objective appeal process. Section 9.10 Appeal Request Review Ta phpe ecahl a ai rrpee rssuopnp wo ri tl el dr e vbiye wt haep paepapl eraelq udeosctusmt oe ndtes t. e Irfmsi nu ef f iwc ihe entth egrr oounnedos r hma ov ree nboa ts ebs efeonr dc he ami ropnesrtsr oa nt edde, t tehr em icnheasi rt ph ea rt stohne r emias ya dc leenayr pt rhoec eadpupreaal l e rr reoqru, et shte oc hr aai r ppeorrstoi onnmoafy irte. f eI fr tt hh ee case back to the office with case jurisdiction to correct the error. Section 9.11 UDAP Appeal Decision Ua nDdArPe pwl ii lel sr oe vu itel iwn etdh ei nr se ec cotrido nf o5r 8t. h3 e. Icna cs ae s, et hs ewahpepr ee atlhree aq pu pe se ta, l ai ns db aasneyd sounb mn ei wt t eidn froersmp oa tni soens, UDAP will also review the relevant new information. UDAP may take any of the following actions after reviewing the appeal: • Uphold the outcome/sanction(s) imposed by the original Student Conduct Panel or Student Conduct Administrator; • Modify the sanction(s) imposed by original Student Conduct Panel or Student Conduct Administrator; • Remand the case in whole or in part if sufficient new information is presented that mS t au yd ehnatv Ce omn da ut ecrt i aAl dl ymai lnt iesrter da t ot hr e, adnedc i ws i ao sn noof t t ho re coor ui gl di n an lo St thuadveen tb eCeonn dk un cotwPna na et l t ho er time of the original student conduct conference; or • Remand the case in whole or in part, if UDAP determines that a procedural error oc oc cr ruercrteido ,n woift ht haene ri nr os trr uocrt ioomn i st os i ocno,r rae cStt utdheen pt rCoocne dd uu cr ta lPearnreolr oor r S ot umdiesns itoCno. nUdpuocnt Amdamy ibneisatprapteoarlewdi.ll issue a new decision on the remanded issue(s). The new decision After UDAP makes its decision, it will inform the appealing party of its decision in writing. UDAP will also provide notice of the outcome to anyone who is required to be notified
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