TAMIU Student Handbook 2023-2024

Page 52 of 93 DanisdtaRnecceruEidtmuceanttiosne,rvtheeasTesting Center Director, and the Director of Graduate Admissions ex officio members. Voting members include: 1. At htel eFaasctu1l t0y Sf uelnl -attiemeel ef ac tciuolnt ys pmreomc ebses ,r s1 (anpipnoei netl eecdt ebdy tbhye tPhreoFv oa cs ut )l.t y - a t - l a r g e t h r o u g h 2. At htel eVaPs to 1f 0S tTu Ad eMnItUEsntguadgeenmt se, ni nt calnudd i2n ga papt ol ei natset do bn ye tghrea dPur aotveo ss tt u) .d e n t ( 8 a p p o i n t e d b y 3. MF aecmu lbt ye rsse rmv ue sttwboe- yeel ea cr tteedr ma ns d; sat up dp eoni nt tme de mb yb eSrespst ee rmv be eorn1e s- yt eoaf r etaecrhmas c. aBdoetmh i fca cy ue latry. 4. a I e f l n e d f c a t s c e t u d u l / d ty a e p n o p t r o r i e n s p t t u r e e d d s e e t n o n t t f a i r n t e i i v s s h i e g s t n h m s e a o iy n r s i t e c ia r a v l n e t n e m o r t m o r c . eo mt hpalne toen et etremr m, ao nntehwe Hmoenmo rbCe ro uwn ci lill . b e 5. 6. T G ar h e e n e e e H r x o a p l n e m o ct r e e C e d o t i tu n o n g c a s i t l a t e w n n d i d l l t r h a a t o i l n l d e i na g s g e t s n o a e n r r e a e l c h m o e n e a s e r i i t d n in e g g r p e s d e a r s m l n o a e n n e g d d - a e s t e d o m . r y e. sItne ra. dFdaiitl iuorne, taol l amdehme rbee tros mHoannodratCooruyngceiln.eral meetings and trainings will trigger a review of membership by the 7. bAe mfaeirmabnedr immapyarntoiatl vdoutee two hthene naactausree iosf ctohnesciadseer.ed a conflict of interest or may not The Honor Council may consult with the TAMUS legal representative through the Office of tshi teu aPtrioovnos swt ha se rneetehdeerde. aAr el eogbavl iroeupsrleesgeanl tiastsiuveesf raonmd ctohnecTe rAnMs .U S w i l l s e r v e o n t h e c o u n c i l i n Section 10.04 Responsibility of Honor Council MMeemmbbeerrss mofutshtealHsoonfuolrfiCllotuhnecfiolllaorwe ienxgpdeuctteieds:to attend all general meetings and trainings. 1. Serve as an educator – inform students, faculty, staff, and administrators about the TcaAmMpIuUs.Honor System and its mission and policies; promote academic integrity on 2. Serve as a hearing panel member – hear all information and render decisions on wt hhe evt hi oel ra tai os nt u, dt he en tHi os nr oe sr pCoonusni bc li el wf oirl l vi isoslua et i oa np. rI of pt hoer tsi toundael natni ds feoduuncda trieosnpaol nssainbcl et i of onr. 3. Members must participate in at least one hearing per long semester. Serve as a case investigator – investigate and gather information with reporter(s), wa ni dt nCeos ms ( ems u) ,nai nt yd Eanl lgeaggeedmv ei onl ta. t To rh(i ss )daust cy owo irldl ii nn ca ltue dd ewt hi t eh at bh iel iOt yf fti oc er eo qf uS teus dt iennf toCr mo nadt iuocnt

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