Page 52 of 93 University business days to schedule a “disciplinary sanction review meeting” with 6. t A D h t i e r t e D h c i i t s r o e r m c t e o o e f r t o i S n f C g SC , C E t C h E e ( o ( s r o t r u t d th h e e e n i i r t r wd d e e il s s l i i g g h n n a e e v e e e ) ) . t h wehoyp pt hoer itru ndi ti ys c ti po l ifnuarrt hy e rp rdoibs caut isosnwai tnhd /t hoer snueswpeonrsiinocnresatasetudsssahnocutilodnbs.e modified or terminated. Modifications may not include 7. Ar ef ct eorm mt heen dma teieotni n ga ,n dt hrea t iDoinr ae lcet o fro ro fa SdCeCc Ei s i o(no r t ot htehi er Vd iecsei g Pn er ees) i dwe ni ltl opfr oSvt ui ddee nat 8. E U E n n p g g o a a n g g e e a m m pp e e r n n o t t v f w a o l r i l l r o e p r v r i d o e e v w n id i a ae n l n d o o a f t p ic t p h e r e o o v f r a e th l c o o e r m o d u m e t e n c n o ia m dl a . et i toon ,t hteh es t uVdi ceen tPirne swi dr ei tni nt gowf iSt thui nd e1n0t University business days. The decision shall include a written statement that explains 9 1 . 0. tThheebreasisisnfooratphpeedalepcirsoiocens.s for Disciplinary Sanction Review. Dexetaednluinaetisngfocrirceuamchstsatnecpesinjustthifey spurcohceasschoauntglein. ed above may be revised should ARTICLE 10. ACADEMIC CONDUCT PROCEEDINGS It th eims stehlev eps oi lni cay moaf nTnAe rMtIhUa t t hi sa ct o anlsl i sftaecnutl twy ,i t ha dtmh ei nvi as tl ur aetso, ri sn, t esgt raiftfy, , arne dp ust at ut idoenn, tasn dc opnudbul ci ct trust of this University. The TAMIU Honor Code provides employees and students notice of academic violation. It is tt hh ee ri ne sf opromn saitbi oi lni t yp roef sTe An tMe dI U i nf a ct hu el t yT, As tMa fI fU, aHdomnionri s Ct roadt ieo na ,nadn tdo s ot ubds ee nr vt se taol l bpe r foavmi siiloi anrs wa int dh pviroolcaetidounrse.s relating to the Code. Ignorance of this Code is not a defense to misconduct Section 10.01 Honor Council Mission Statement Irte issptohnedmf ai isrsliyo nt ooaf ctahdeeTmAi Mc vI Ui o lHaot inoonrs Coof ut hnec iTl At oMsIeUr vHeoansoar cCeondter.a l i z e d s y s t e m e s t a b l i s h e d t o Section 10.02 Essential Functions of the Honor Council Tr ehpeoHr to naoc ar dCeomu ni cc i vl isoelravt ei osnt,o tpor opvriodvei df aec uslttuydaenndt ss twu di tehn tas wmiet ha nas moef a na ps pbeya wl i nhgi c hc ht ahregye ms aoyf aaccaaddeemmiicc svaionlcattioionns, oarnrdemtoepdriaolveidffeortthse. Provost with recommendations regarding general
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