TAMIU Student Handbook 2023-2024

Page 55 of 93 ws t raoy ns gt os uc po pn od rutc tt oa nf adc ualctky nwo wh ol eadrgee arpeps reoapr cr hi a. tAe lcya da ne md ifca iAr ldyme innfiosrt cr ai nt og rtsh sehHo ou nl do ra lCs oo dper. oSvt iadf fe, wg rha idcuha itne cal us sdi es st agnrt andouna-ttee aacshs ii ns tga n( Gt At eNaTc)h, imn gu s( tGrAeTp)o, rgt raal dl eugaattei oans soifs at ac na dt er me siecavr icohl a(tGi oAnRt)o at nh de faculty of record in which the alleged misconduct occurred. Information shared with the Office of Student Counseling and Disability Services is confidential. Section 10.10 Student Reporting Academic Violation St ht ue df aecnut sl t ymouf stthreecpoour rt saec iandwe mh iicchvti ho el aat il loeng et od tvhi oe l Ha toi onno ro cCcouurnr ceidl . t hI nr oi tui agthi ntgh feoSr CmCaEl pOrfof icceedourr et os i(se .ag .n, de cr ae ws sianrgy aatnt ednot ibol ni g taot oar ys ursepme cetdeyd wv ihoel na t oi ot nh ,epr eme re tphroeds ss uarree, ient ca .p) .p r o p r i a t e o r h a v e f a i l e d If a student is alleged to have violated the Honor Code but the class, department, and faculty cannot be identified, charges may be brought by anyone who has knowledge of the violation. Intentionally false reports of academic violation is a violation of the Honor Code which will be adjudicated by the Honor Council. Section 10.11 Student Reporting Formats Tr ehpeor ret i na rge, ( t2h) rceoen fsitduednetni at -l rreeppoorrtti inngg , faonr dm (a3t s) af no ro ntyhme oHu os nr oe rp oCr ot idneg . vEi oalcaht i or enps o: r(t1i n) g gfeonr emr aa tl wcaislle.inAiltliarteeposortms emaucsttiobne bmyatdheeiHnownroitrinCgo.uncil and can potentially lead to the initiation of a 1. General Reporting - General reporting constitutes a submission of a report in which tThhei sr ei sptohret i pn rgepf earrrteydi sr ewpiol lri tni gn gt of of ruml l ya ti da enndt iwf yi l lh ei mn s/uhreer st he al ft taol laflal ci nt sv aorl ve eodb itna i tnhaeb lcea. s e . 2. Confidential Reporting - Confidential reporting constitutes a submission of reports iHnown oh ri c hC tohuenrcei lp obrut ti n gwpi sahr t iteos ahraevwe i ltlhi negi rt onpa rmo ev si d er et mh eai irnn acmo nefsi dt oe nf at icaul l t tyhar no du /g oh r tt hh ee pC rooucnecei dl ti no gcso notfa ct ht et h ec arseep. oCr ot innfgi dpeanrttiya lt or eg pa tohr et irnfgu rat lhl oe wr isn ffoarcmu lat tyi oann wd /hoern tnheec eHs soanroyr. 3. Anonymous Reporting - Anonymous reporting constitutes a submission of a report icno nws ihdiec rhe dt haet irpe apnodr thi nagn dpl ae rdt ya s dseuscihr e. Ts hteo r er epmo ratiinn gapnaornt yy mwoi lul sn. oTt hb ies i dr ee pn ot irf ita bwl iel la nb de

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