Page 54 of 93 Tt hhee PHr oo nv oo sr tCaosunnec ei ldme da.yAc ol engsaul l tr ewpirtehs et hnet aTt iAvMe Uf rSo ml e gt ahlerTe pArMe sUeSn wt aitlilvsee trhvreooung ht hteh ec oOuf nf icciel oi nf situations where there are obvious legal issues and concerns. Section 10.04 Responsibility of Honor Council MMeemmbbeerrss mofutshtealHsoonfuolrfiCllotuhnecfiolllaorwe ienxgpdeuctteieds:to attend all general meetings and trainings. 1. Serve as an educator – inform students, faculty, staff, and administrators about the TcaAmMpIuUs.Honor System and its mission and policies; promote academic integrity on 2. Serve as a hearing panel member – hear all information and render decisions on wt hhe evt hi oel ra tai os nt u, dt he en tHi os nr oe sr pCoonusni bc li el wf oirl l vi isoslua et i oa np. rI of pt hoer tsi toundael natni ds feoduuncda trieosnpaol nssainbcl et i of onr. 3. Members must participate in at least one hearing per long semester. Serve as a case investigator – investigate and gather information with reporter(s), wa ni dt nCeos ms ( ems u) ,nai nt yd Eanl lgeaggeedmv ei onl ta. t To rh(i ss )daust cy owo irldl ii nn ca ltue dd ewt hi t eh at bh iel iOt yf fti oc er eo qf uS teus dt iennf toCr mo nadt iuocnt ianfawirrihtienagrifnrog.m faculty, witness(es), and alleged violator(s) as is necessary to ensure Section 10.05 The Role of the Chair and Vice-Chair Tl i ahies odnu twi eist ho ft ht heeSCChCaEi rOwf fiilcleb, ea nt od cparlol rvei dgeu llaera md eeresthi ni pg st o, ctohnedCuocut nmcei le: t i n g s , s e r v e a s t h e o f f i c i a l 1. 2 3 . . TT hh ee CC hh aa ii rr ws hial ll lpbr ee sseenl et catlel dc afsr eosmt ot ht eh ef aHc uo lnt oy rmCeomu nbceirl sa onfdt shheaHl l ocnaol lraChoeuanrci ni l g. t o o r d e r . Sd he soiuglnda tteh ea CChhaaiirr Pbr eo - tuenma pb l, ew ht oi c hmme eut s tt hbeei ra foabclui gl tayt iHo on ns ,o rt hCeo uCnhcaiil rmoermPbreorv. o s t w i l l 4. 5. TT hh ee VV ii cc ee -- CC hh aa ii rr sr oh lael li sb et os es el ercvtee da sf rt oh me vtohiec es tfuodr et nh te mH eo mn obreCr so uo nf tchi les Ht uodneonrt Cmoeumn cbiel . r s . Section 10.06 The Role of the SCCE Office IHno cnooor r Cd oi nuant ci oi lnt ow iatshs et hs se cHuor nr eonr t Caocuandceiml , itch ec aSsCe Cs Ei nOv fof li vc ei n wg isl lt ucdoennf et sr awni dt h wt hi l el sCehr avier aosf tt hh ee facilitator and investigator of information. The SCCE Office will: 1. Gdoacthuemreinntfsosrumbamtiiotntedbabsyetdheofnacsuulbtymmisesmiobnero.f the Sanction Letter, and supporting 2. Pt hreo vs ti du ed ennott ri fei qc autei os tni nogf ah he ae ra irni ng gdbayt et haen Hd ot inmo er Ct oo us nt uc di l eanntdul pe totne rr oe fc ea icvki nn og wn loetdi cgee mf r eo nmt by SCCE.
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