Page 61 of 93 3. Ab yn yt hger aHdounaot er sCtouudne cnitl wt oh aosissersespiof ratde dd iftoi or naafli rcshtaorfgf ee sn saenwd isl la hn ac tvieo nt hs ewi ri cl labs ee ri me vpi eows eedd. Tachaedgermaidcuvaitoelasttiuodne. nt will have the same rights of appeal as in any other reported 4. Fo fof re nas es t iundtehnet si anmae 1s0e0m0e sotre r2, 0t 0h 0e sl et avne dl acrodu rs saen cwt iiot hn sahsael lc ob ne dt hvei oglraat di oenpoe rn aal tsye oc of na dn “sFp”riinngt)h. e course and the student may face suspension for one long semester (fall or 5. Fo fof re nas es t iundtehnet si anmae 3s0e0m0e sotre r4, 0t 0h 0e sl et avne dl acrodu rs saen cwt iiot hn sahsael lc ob ne dt hvei oglraat di oenpoe rn aal tsye oc of na dn “sFu”mimn ethr)e. course and the student will be suspended one academic year (including 6. Fp oe nr aal tgyr aodf uaant e “sFt ”u di ne ntthwe i ct ho uar fsier s at nvdi o lsaut si opne ,ntshi oe ns t faonrd ao rnde saacnacdt ieomn i sc hyael labr e( ti nh ce l ug rdai nd ge 7. s F s u t o a m r n m d a a e r s r d t ) u . s d R a e e n n f c e t t r i w o t n o it t h s h h e v a l i G l o r l b a a e d t iu o th a n e t s e g H b r e a a y d n o e d n b p d o e o n t k h a. o l tsye osf tai pnu“l aFt”eidn itnh epcooi nutrss eCa- En da ebxopvue l, s ti ohne from the University. The recommendations below are additional potential sanctions that a student found responsible for academic violation may face. 8. Rpreocgormammeonfdsatutidoynotrofrtohme tPhreovost for expulsion of the student from the specific University. 9. RspeeccoimficmpernodgartaimonotfosttuhdeyPororvfroosmt fothreHonor Code suspension of the student from the University. 10. Pi nrfor ba cattiioonnsf o ar nadc a dae md ei cs cvri oi pl at itoi onn wo fi t ht hae s tcaot enmd iet inotnosf, t hwehci oc hn s emquusetn cbees f omr eatd dt oi t i oennadl 11. p R n r o e o t q b p u a r ir t o i e b o d n a c t a i o r o m y n s a p t r l a e y t t u s io t s a n . tuosf aisniamppporsoepdr.iate training or remediation program, whether or 12. Other sanctions as deemed necessary. A student who is on “Honor Code Probation” is subject to the following restrictions: 1. Itnheeligibility to hold an office in any recognized student organization recognized by University or to hold any elected or appointed position within the University. 2. 3. IInneelliiggiibbiilliittyy ttoo croemprpeesteenitntihnetercollegiate athletic activity. University in any capacity, including representing the University at any official function.
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