Page 62 of 93 4. Ineligibility to receive a University-administered scholarship or fellowship when the “Honor Code Probation” is in place for longer than one semester. Additional restrictions or conditions also may be imposed, depending on the timing, nature atrnadnsscervieprti, toyrotfotphaermticisipcaotnediuncct.oEmxmamenpcleesmaernet ienxaebricliitsyest.o pre-register, to receive an official The Honor Council will disclose the outcome to persons who meet the definition of a school otafsfikcitahlawt hisoshpaesciafilcetgoittimheasteanecdtuiocnatiimonpaolsiendte. rest in the record and/or who are performing a Section 10.18 Appeal to Honor Council of Academic Charge Ayestttuodaepnpt ewahl,ohiassfo1u0nd responsible for an Honor Code violation, assessed a sanction, and has University business days from the date of notification of outcome to file athneaappppeeaallomf ethrietsfiandhienagrsin. Tg.he appeal must be stated in writing. The chair will determine if Section 10.19 Appeals of Faculty Findings Ft haec uHl ot yn ao lroCnoe daer. eAr setsupdoennsti ’bs l ae pf op re aals os if gan fi ancgugl trya dmeepmebnearl t’ si ecshianr gt he eoi rf ac coaudr es me si cf ovri ov li aotl iaot ni omn su os tf be b 1 a . sed on one of the following reasons: Insufficient or misinterpreted evidence that led to the initial finding of the 2. violation of the Honor Code. Substantial new evidence not available at the time of the original faculty decision. Iandtehciiss ci oans eo, rt hoet hHeor nr oe lreCv oa un nt cf ai lc wt s i nl l octoknns oi dwe nr nt oe wt h ienpf oe rr ms oant iaopnptehaal ti ni sg saut ftfhi cei et inmt et ooaf ltthe er original hearing. Section 10.20 Honor Council Findings Tr ehsep oHnosni bolre ”Coofu anccai ld ewmi lilc hvei oa lra ttihoen . aTphpee aHl oannodr Ca os suenscsi l awfi il nl dniontgi f yo ft h“er esst pu odne snitb, l teh” e ofra c“unl ot yt mC oeumn bc iel r a, st hs ee scshe as i ra of fi nt dh ien dg eopfa r“ rt me sepnotn, st hi bel ed, ”e at nh ea ns dt u tdheen Pt rmo va oy s at po pf ei tasl f fi on ldl oi nwgisn. gI f t thhee aHpopneoarl process defined below. The Honor Council will disclose its determination of the academic appeal to school officials who have an educational interest in the finding or sanction.
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