Page 67 of 93 Section 12.04 Record Retention All s 1 t . udent conduct files are held by the SCCE Office or Compliance Office. Sa nt uddCeinvti sl Rmi gahy t rs eCvoi emwp ltiha enicref. iIl ne sf our pmoant i wo nr ipt treonv irdeeqdu iens ta ct oc oSrCdCa En coerwDi it rheac pt oprl i oc af bTliet llea wI X. 2. SStcuhdeednutler. ecords will be retained as required by the TAMUS Records Retention Section 12.05 Student Disciplinary Background Checks and Certifications Ss ct uh do eo nl , t sa nwdh oo tahpepr l yo pf opro rj ot ubns i, t ii enst e rbnost hh i pi sn,s isdt ue d aynadb roouatds i dper o Tg rAaMmIsU, gmr aadyu abtee /spurbojfeecsts i toon aal bS tauc dk eg nr ot uCnodn dc hu ec tc ka .n dA cCaodme mmiuc ni int tye Eg rni gt ya gaenmd edni st cwi pi ll li nnaorty bree cr oe rl edas s me da itno t at hi ni redd pbayr tt ihees Owf if ti cheo uo tf tthheatstiundfoernmt’astwiornittmenaycobnesesnhta, ruendlewssitphermitted or required by law. It is important to note University officials with a legitimate educational interest. Section 12.06 Transcript Notation The University has adopted a rule (SAP 11.99.02.L0.01) on transcript notation. This includes pthlaecfionlglotwrainngs:cript notation on pending conduct investigation(s). The notation will include 1. 2 3 . . TT hh ee nt yapt ue roef oi nf ftrhaec tsieopna. r a t i o n . The department responsible for issuing the student separation from the University. 4. The effective dates of separation from the University, if applicable. 5. Atrnanosuctrcipomt. e of suspension or expulsion will result in a permanent notation on the Section 12.07 Parent Notification Tp ahree Fn at sm/ igl uy aEr dd ui acna st i oo fn sa tl uRdi eg nh tt ss laens ds tPhrai vna2c 1y Ay ec at r(sF Eo fRaPgAe) ,wpheer nmti ht se iurnsi tvuedr es int ti ehs atso bi en ef onr fmo ut nh de in violation of alcohol and drug regulations. Texas A&M International University may notify tchirecupmasrteanntcse/sg:uardians of students less than 21 years of age under the following a) b c) ) IAffftoeur nadsetocohnadvevicoolmatmionittoefdtha esearlcioouhsolvoiorladtriuogn roufltehoeraplcoolihcoyl; or drug rule or policy; Walchoehnolaosrtdurduegnst; endangers his or someone’s health or welfare through the use of d) Wcohnetrnacatd. rug or alcohol violation results in the termination of the student’s housing
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