Page 68 of 93 The parents of students who find themselves in this situation will be sent a letter by the Vice Pc or me smi diet nt et d oaf vSi ot ul adtei onnt aEnndg abgeeemn ei snstu e( odra tdhies icri pdl iensai rgyn es ea )n citni od ni c. a Pt ianrge nt thsa mt at hyeai rl s os tbued ne no tt i fhi eads oemf oetrhgeernccoynicnevronlsvaebsothuetisrtustduednetns’t.behaviors, health or academic progress if a health or safety Section 12.08 Standing with the University due to Disciplinary Reasons A student who is not in good disciplinary standing with the University is subject to the following restrictions: 1. Ineligibility to hold an office in any student organization recognized by the University or to hold any elected or appointed position within the University; 2. 3. IInneelliiggiibbiilliittyy ttoocroemprpeesteenitntihnetercollegiate athletic activity; University in any capacity, including representing the University at any official function; and 4. Ineligibility to receive a University-administered scholarship or fellowship when the sanction is in place for longer than one semester.
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