Page 77 of 93 Formal written complaints are received by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Ed en pg aa rgtemmeennt t s(uSpCeCrEv )i s. o rU pwoi tnh irne c5e ibput ,s iSnCeCs Es dwa iyl ls . f oTrhwe arredc et ihvei ncgo smuppleari vn its ot or ht ha es 1a p0 pbr uo spi rni ea st es dthaeyssttuodceonnttianctwtrhietisntgundoenlat taenrdthreaancthhae r1e0solution. The resolution must be communicated to th day. Resolutions and supporting documentation must be forwarded to the SCCE for record keeping once the complaint process has ended. All deadlines and time frames set forth in this policy may be extended for good cause with written notice to the parties. The formal and appeals procedures for complaints against staff members (non-faculty) follow different timelines than those stated above. Details are listed below under the “Complaints Against Staff (Non-Faculty Members)” heading. AIfptpheeaclsomplainant believes they have not received a reasonable and fair resolution frreosmp o nt hs ei b lseu pf oerr vt ihseo rs, utpheer vcios mo rp’ sl adi ni vains itomn . aAy l lf ial ep paena las pmp euaslt wb ei t hs utbhme i tVt iecde iPnr ewsri idt ei nngt wfoiltlohwinin5g ibnufosirnmesastiodna:ys of receiving the original decision and must include the • A description of the decision being appealed • The basis for challenging the decision: o a procedural irregularity that affected the outcome; o nd ee twe r meivniadteino nc et,h ant octo u lrde aasf foencat bt hl ye oauvt caoi lma bel;ea n adt/ o rt h e t i m e t h e o tthhee cdoemcipsiloanin-manatkoerrrheasdpoancdoennftlict of interest or bias for or against • A description of the remedy being requested • All relevant documentation in support of the appeal The Vice President, or their designee, must notify the complainant of their decision in wdercitisiniognnios fliantaelr. than 10 business days of receiving the appeal. The Vice President’s Resolutions and supporting documentation must be forwarded to the SCCE for record keeping once the complaint process has ended. Complaints Against a Student
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