Page 82 of 93 Qualifications for Amnesty Ta lhceo hsot ul od re nc to nr tercoelilveidn gs umb setdainccael ea ms sei srtgaennccey oqru aa l isfti eusd ef onrt aimn int ieast ti ny gi f :m e d i c a l a s s i s t a n c e i n a n 1. Tmheedisctauldeemnet rrgeeqnuceysptsromfeesdsiiocanlalass, soisrtoatnhceer from the Univeristy Police Department, University officials on behalf of a student 2 3 . . eTxhpeesrtiue dn ec inntgs ae ne kai lncgo hmoel doirc ac lo antttreonl ltei odns du ob es tsasnoc ea tmt he ed itci aml -er eolfattheed ienmc i edregnetn; c y ; The student meets with SCCE administration within ten (10) University business days 4. o T as f h s t e e h s e s s i m t n u c e d i n d e t n e s n t , a t; n a a g d n r / d e o e rstretoatmtiemnetlsyascsoigmnpedletbiyonSCCoEf . assigned educational activities, If the student completes assignments by SCCE, the incident will not be documented as a formal disciplinary record for the individual. Criteria for granting amnesty may include but is not limited to the severity of the incident, tahmensetsut dy ei nn tt’ hs edpi sapsot ,sai tni odnt hree sgtaurddei nngt ’ st hper eivni coiudse nc ot ,n wd uhcettrheecro rt hde. s t u d e n t h a s b e e n g r a n t e d Students participating in intercollegiate programs (athletics) who previously invoked the Safe Harbor Program under the Athletics Department are not eligible to invoke TAMIU’s Amnesty . Amnesty in Relation to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking When a student reports, in good faith, being the victim of or a witness to an incident oT fA Ms eI xUu awl i l hl anroats st ma keen td, i sscei px ul i anla rays saacut il ot , n daagt ai ni ng s tv it ohlaetn sc teu, ddeonmt ef os rt i cv i ovliaotl ieonncse o, f ot rh e sSt taul kdienngt, Ci novneds ut icgta Ct eo dt eo odcec tuerrrmi ni gn ea t wo rh entehaerr t ha e rtei mp oer ot f ot fh ea ni n ci ni dc ei dnet nrte poof r st ee dx u. aTl AhMa IrUa sms ma ye, nht o, ws eexvuear l, assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking was made in good faith. This amnesty will not apply in situations where: a. As e xs tuuadl e hn at rraespsomr et sn tt ,h es ierx ou wa l n acsos ma uml t i, s sdi aotni nogr vc oi oml epnl ci cei,t yd ionmtehset icco mv i mo l iesnsci oe n, oorf stalking [as defined in System Regulation 08.01.01]; or
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