Page 84 of 93 Appendix E: Civil Rights Complaints Procedures Tr aAcMe , I cUo ldoore, ss enxo, tr edliisgci roinm, innaatti eo noarl po er ri gmi ni t, ahgaer ,a ds si sma be ni l ti t ay g, ga iennset t iacniyn fi on rdmi vai dt iuo anl, ov ne t et hr ea nb sa tsai st uosf, sexual orientation or gender identity in admissions, educational programs, or employment. 1. Ct hoen Dd ui rcetc tt ho ar to vf iToiltal et eIsX TaAn Md ICUi v’ si l cRi vi gi lhrt isgCh ot smppol il ai cnyc es hoor uDl de pbuet yr eTpi tol ret eI Xd Cporoormd pi nt al yt ot ro. Ga trhi el evtaens c, eosr tahgi radi nps at r ftai ec su lctayn mb ee mmba edres b, yn ao nn y- foanc eu lwt yi t he imn pt hl oey Te eAsM, IsUt ucdoemn mt s ,u ns ti tuyd. e n t a. GI Xr i eCvoaonrcdei ns aatgoari:n sDt rf. a cKuelvt yi nmLeimn dbbeer rs gs, hAo susl do cbi aet ed i rPercot ve od stto, t5h2e0 D1 e p u t y T i t l e University Bkloinudlebvearrgd@, tKaimllaium.eLdiub.rary 332B, Laredo, TX, 78041-1900, 956.326.2601, b. Gt hriiredv apnacret ise sa gs ah ionus ltd nboen d- fiar ceuc lt teyd et om tphl oe yDe ierse, c st ot ur doef nTt si t, l es tIuXd ae nn dt aCti hv li el tReisg, hot sr CCoommpplliiaannccee:, 5L2o0r1issa M. Cortez, Director of Title IX and Civil Rights University Boulevard, Killam Library 159B, Laredo, TX, c. 7R8e0p4or1t-s1c9a0n0,a9ls5o6b.3e2f6il.2ed85v7ia, Report It, our anonymous electronic reporting wR iegbhst ist e(, Daatl l ahst tOp :f /f i/cwe )w, wU ..St a. mD ieup. ea dr tum/ reenpt oorft i tE/d uocra twi oi nt h, 1t 9h 9e 9 OBf fri yc ea n o Sf t rCei ve it l, Suite 1620, Dallas, TX 75201-6810, 214-661-9600. 2. Cr eol na dt eudc tr et ht aal ti avt ii oo lna tt ehsa tc ii vs ibl ar si gehdt os np os el ixc ya ni nd c/lourd ge es nddi es cr r, ii mn cilnuadtiino gn ,a hl l atryapses smoef nste, xaunadl mthiessceontedrumcst, cwanhibceh foinucnluddiensSybsuttemis Rneogt ulliamtiiotend0t8o.0t1h.0e 1f,ollowing. Definitions for Civil RightsCompliance. a. b c. . S S e ex xu u a a l l h m a i r s a c s o s n m d e u n ct t d e. . D DSt o a a t m l i k n e i g n s tg v i icovl ei onlceen c e f. g h . . SNeoxnu-ac loenxspelnosi ut aatli os enx u a l c o n t a c t Sex-based discrimination i. Related retaliation
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