Page 85 of 93 3. Cr eolna dt eudc tr et ht aalti aat li soon vbiaosl ae tde so nc i vr ai l c er i, gchot lso rp, orl iecl yi g iios nd, i ns cart ii mo ni na la toi or ing, i nh, a ar ag ses, md iesnatb, i al i nt yd, 4. genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or genderidentity. aTl lheeg eOdf fvi ci oe l aot fi oCnos mo pf lTi aAnMc eI Ui sc i cvhi la rr iggehdt s wpi ot hl i ctyh, ei ni cnl vu edsi tni gg aTt ii ot lne IaXn. dP lreeassoel ur tei foenr toof TAMIU Rule 08.01.01.L1, Civil Rights Complaint and Appeal Process and System Rt heeg up lraotci oe sns0. F8 o. 0r1m. 0o1r, eC iivnifloRr img ha tt si oCno amnpdl iaadndc iet ifoonr aml roer seoi un rf oc er ms , aptlieoans eo na lps oo l ivci isei st Ta nh de Office of Compliance website. Office of Responsibility OL af fsitc eU po fd Ca toemd :pAl i ua ng uc es ,t 91526, .2302260. 2 8 5 7
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