Page 90 of 93 1.6 NfrootmhimngaiinntatihniisngRuolredesrhionutldhebcelaisnstreoropmre.ted as prohibiting faculty members 2. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 2.1 Ab yn y tphei sr s oRnu wl e h, ohba ev lei e vbeese tnh eui rncdauml yp ui ns teexrpf er er es ds i v we ai tcht i vbi tyy rai g hs tt su, daesnrte, c os tgundi zeendt oo rr gg aa nn ii zz aa tt ii oo nn ,, oo rr eemmppllooyyeeee wh ahso ti hs ef orui gnhdt ttoohfai lveeaugnrdi euvl ya ni nctee. r fAe rset du dweint ht , as nt uodt he enrt pd iesrcsiopnl i’ns aerxyparcetsi soinv ei na ac ct icvoi tryd arni gc he tws , i tahs arpe pc ol i gc na bi zl ee dS ybsyt etmh i sp oRl ui cliee, s i/sr esguubljaetci to nt os and TAMIU rules and procedures. 2.2 SC tounddeunctts ao nr ds t uC do emnmt uo rngi tayn i zEantgi oa ng es mf i el en tg. r i eEv ma npcleosy ewe ist h( ftahceu lOt yf f i coer osft aSftfu) d ef inl et grievances with the Office of Compliance. 2.3 TC oh me pOlfifai cnec eo, fwSht iucdheenv te rC ios nadpupcl ti c aa nb dl e ,Cwo mi l l mi nuvne isttyi gEa nt eg at hg ee mg rei ne vt aonrc et haen dO frfei cned eorf awni l li nbvee sr teifgeartrieodn troe pt hoer t a spupmr omp ar irai zt ei nVg Pt hf oe r f ai nddj ui ndgi cs a. t iTohne. iTnhvee sat pi gpartoi opnr i ar et ep oVrPt will be determined by the status of the offending individual. a) Gt or itehveaOn cf fei cs ecoofntcheer nViPn gf oar sSttuuddeenntt oErn gs taugdeemnet notr. g a n i z a t i o n w i l l b e r e f e r r e d b) GthreiePvraonvcoesstc& a faculty member will be referred to the Office of c) Gr erfieervraendc teos t hc oe nOcfef ri cnei nogf t hs tea Vf f P of or r oFni n- caanmc ep ua ns dvAe dn md oi nr i setmr apt il oo yne. e s w i l l b e 3. DISSEMINATION 3.1 A copy of this Rule shall be included in the TAMIU Student Handbook. 3.2 Astucdoepnyt oofritehnitsatRiounle. shall be provided to new TAMIU students during new 3.3 A copy of this Rule shall be posted to TAMIU webpage. 4. THIRD-PARTY (EXTERNAL CLIENT) EVENTS
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