Dr. Fatemi to California for New Academic Post

Dr. Khosrow Fatemi, long-time Dean of the Texas A&M International University College of Business Administration, has been selected as Dean of the Imperial Valley Campus of San Diego State University in Calexico, California.
Fatemi's new position at the Imperial Valley Campus of San Diego State will be that of the campus CEO. He will be involved with a variety of tasks focused on managing the branch campus.
Dr. Fatemi, who has been part of the A&M International faculty since 1982, said he is looking forward to the challenge of the new position.
"My time here at the University has included some of the most rewarding teaching and most productive research of my life. I am proud of our accomplishments here that have helped the College to have gained considerable respect for its programs and research strengths.
"The faculty and staff of this University are without parallel and share in all of our success. These accomplishments will serve me well as I begin my new challenge at the Imperial Valley campus," Fatemi said.
Dr. Charles Jennett, A&M International president, said Fatemi's selection speaks volumes of his academic credentials and expertise and the University will miss him.
"He has been a cornerstone of our business program here and has guided it from a small program into a globally respected program that has no equal. He's helped to educate some of our world's top business students and is now ready for a new challenge. We truly wish him well, and thank him for the incredible legacy he will leave our University," Dr. Jennett said.
Under Fatemi's guidance, the then-Laredo State University developed its graduate programs in international trade and international banking and, as Texas A&M International University, initiated aggressive faculty and student exchange agreements with University partners in some 20 countries, successfully secured research funds totaling over $8 million and added 10 new degrees.
In addition the University now has six research units that focus on areas from NAFTA and US-Mexico Trade Relations to drought. The College of Business Administration faculty has expanded from seven in 1982 to 32 in 1998. Over 10 countries are represented in the international faculty, with 100% holding terminal degrees in their field.
Fatemi was founding editor of The International Trade Journal, the first and only English-language scholarly journal dedicated to international trade. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief for monthly publications including NAFTA Digest and Border Business Indicators.
He is also the Editor-in-Chief for the Series on International Business and Economics by Elsevier Press (London). He is also a founding member and serves as Executive Vice President for the International Trade and Finance Association.
He has published 10 books including The North American Free Trade Agreement, Foreign Exchange Issues, Capitol Markets and International Banking in the 1990s, Selected Readings in International Trade, The Maquiladora Industry:Economic Solution or Problem?, International Trade: Existing Problems and Prospective Solutions, International Trade and Finance: A North American Perspective, and U.S. Mexican Economic Relations: Prospects and Problems.
His articles have been published in journals including the International Journal of Finance, Journal of Borderland Studies, Issues in International Business, Middle East Journal, Tennessee's Business and The Wall Street Journal.
He also serves on the editorial or review boards of Journal of Teaching in International Business, International Journal of Finance, SAM Journal and the Latin American Business Journal.
He is active in professional organizations such as the Academy of International Business, Academy of Management, Business Association of Latin American Studies and the International Trade and Finance Association.
Fatemi holds his Ph.D. in International Relations and an MBA in Business Management from the University of Southern California and a BA in Business Administration from the Abadan Institute of Technology.
Jennett said a national search will be launched for the new Dean for A&M International's College of Business Administration.
For more information, contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at 326. 2180. University office hours are from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu