Concurrent Enrollment Helps HS Students Get Ahead at TAMIU

The early bird may catch the worm, but an early start on college can catch a diploma that much sooner.
Through Texas A&M International University's Concurrent Admission Program, high school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to gain credit for University-level classes early while completing high school requirements.
Maria Rosillo, director of admissions, said starting University courses early has distinct advantages.
"By participating in this program, students can fulfill high school credits with University-level courses and at the same time, satisfy their requirements for the Distinguished Achievement Program," she said, "Students can also get a head start on their degree, gain college credit while still in high school and defray the cost of tuition and fees by applying for the Concurrent Admission Scholarship."
Rosillo explained Concurrent Admission Scholarships can also help cover course costs.
Overall, she said concurrent enrollment and dual credit programs such as the criminal justice agreements at local high schools can provide students with remarkable opportunities.
"This is a wonderful chance to get a head start in higher education and we encourage students to avail themselves of this remarkable opportunity available to them at their hometown University," she concluded.
Registration is underway for Fall 2004 classes, which begin Wednesday, August 25. Late registration will continue through Tuesday, August 31, with fees applied.
University office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, please call the Office of the Registrar at 326.2250 or visit offices located in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 155.
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