Uni-Trade, Professional Women's Association Donate to TAMIU

Uni-Trade of Laredo has provided a generous gift of $50,000 to Texas A&M International University that provides scholarship endowments for University sophomores. The gift was matched by an award from the U.S. Department of Education. From left to right is Herbert Molina, TAMIU director of the Texas Center for Border Economics and Enterprise Development; Enrique Flores C., Uni-Trade comptroller; Candy Hein, TAMIU vice president for Institutional Advancement; Dr. Ray M. Keck, TAMIU president; Eduardo Garza Robles, Uni-Trade chairman of the Board; Dr. Steve Sears, TAMIU A.R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business dean and Eduardo Zarate Salinas, Uni-Trade Board of Directors vice president.
Aurora Gonzalez (second from left), treasurer, Professional Women’s Association (PWA), provides Candy Hein (left), TAMIU vice president for Institutional Advancement, a donation of $8,000. They are joined by San Juanita Cárdenas (second from right), president, PWA, and Laura Campos, vice president, PWA (right). The PWA donation will be matched with a TAMIU Title V grant to establish an endowed TAMIU scholarship endowment.
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