TAMIU Update 2025-01-21 11:15:00
TAMIU offices have scheduled a late start tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 22, with offices reopening and classes resuming at 10 a.m.
The late start affirms the University's commitment to the safety of all students, faculty, and staff in light of current weather conditions.
Late Registration continues through January 27. Visit go.tamiu.edu/registration for details. Stay safe and warm! For emergencies, contact TAMIU Campus Police at 956.326.2100.

Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies
The Smarter College Choice

The Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies is designed for students who have diverse academic and career interests. Students select three areas of concentration to obtain a degree. Each area of concentration requires a maximum of 21 semester credit hours (SCH) and a minimum of 15 SCH. Additionally, students will be able to take 14 hours of course electives and 6 hours of study abroad OR foreign language courses to complete their degree. For more information on the degree requirements, please visit the University Catalog.

MDS reframes the traditional mindset of higher education from a place of exploration into one that intentionally meets the demand of the 21st century market in the most economical and relevant way. MDS employs a Career-by-Design approach whereby your three areas of study are based on the projected labor market demand. Hence, if you fall into this one of these categories, then MDS is for you:

  • Have not declared a major
  • Multiple interests
  • Thinking of changing your major
  • Transferring from another institution
  • Veterans
  • Returning after being away from school
  • Parent-student
Students talking in building with windows
MDS Grads

Program Eligibility Requirements

  • Be fully admitted to Texas A&M International University,
  • Meet with University College MDS Coordinators to select 3 areas of concentration,
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0.

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