TAMIU Update 2025-01-21 11:15:00
TAMIU offices have scheduled a late start tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 22, with offices reopening and classes resuming at 10 a.m.
The late start affirms the University's commitment to the safety of all students, faculty, and staff in light of current weather conditions.
Late Registration continues through January 27. Visit go.tamiu.edu/registration for details. Stay safe and warm! For emergencies, contact TAMIU Campus Police at 956.326.2100.

TAMIU is committed to helping students complete their degrees. A broad range of financial aid opportunities and programs are available to assist students, including on-campus work, student loans, and scholarships.

The University launched TAMIU Fund$Finder, an exclusive scholarship-matching tool for admitted TAMIU students. TAMIU Fund$Finder links Dustdevils to millions of dollars in available scholarships through a friendly, mobile platform.

To find out more, visit:

go.tamiu.edu/fundSfinder and follow three easy steps:

Step 1: Log in using Uconnect credentials

Step 2: Answer matching questions

Step 3: View individualized matches and apply


HEERF Recap:

(Updated: 07/07/2023-FINAL QUARTERLY REPORT)

Texas A&M International University serves a broad community of students in Laredo and South Texas with unique needs as a result of the impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic. To meet the needs of TAMIU students and their families impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic, TAMIU CARES has provided just under $24.6M in emergency grants to students. Of this, 98%, or $24,205,757, were federal funds while the remaining 2%, or $394,000, is from non-governmental sources.

View Q2 2023 Budget and Expenditure Reporting for all HEERF I, II, and III Grant Funds

Archived Quarterly Reports – Students

Archived Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reports – Institutional

grocery bag with food

Dusty's Food Pantry
Assurance of a Neccesity

No student should go hungry.

Dusty's Food Pantry helps currently enrolled students remain focused on their studies by alleviating the burden of food insecurity. Students who submit the required documentation are provided a temporary supplemental supply of non-perishable.

Contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement at 956.326.2265 or send us an email at scce@tamiu.edu 

Visit Dusty's Food Pantry

teacher in a classroom with students

Loaner Laptop Program
Empowerment Through Technology

TAMIU's Loaner Laptop Program assists students who are challenged with technology access.

To qualify, applicants must complete a brief online questionnaire, contract and acknowledgement.  Applicants must be current TAMIU students, enrolled in at least 6 credit hours and be fully paid for the semester of enrollment to be eligible. Computers will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Contact the Office of Outreach and Pre-College Programs at 956.326.2720 or email outreach@tamiu.edu.

Learn More

teacher in a classroom with students

Student Health Services
Success Through Health

Student Health Services promotes student health and fosters a University culture of health living. They advance student health by providing accessible health care, wellness activities, and health education.

Contact the Office of Student Health Services at 956.326.2235 or email studenthealth@tamiu.edu

Visit Student Health Services

teacher in a classroom with students

Student counseling services
Mental Health Matters

TAMIU Student Counseling Center strives to provide a safe space for students to explore and address personal challenges to foster independence, encourage growth, and strengthen resiliency.

The Student Counseling Center has available counseling and consultation services for all currently enrolled TAMIU students.

Contact the Office of Student Counseling Services at 956.326.2230 or email counseling@tamiu.edu

Visit Student Counseling Services

teacher in a classroom with students

Financial Planning
Invest in Your Future

The University offers several resources for students to make the most out of their college experience. From grants and scholarships to financial coaching, these resources are free and available to all currently enrolled students.

Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 956.326.2225 or email financialaid@tamiu.edu

Visit Office of Financial Aid


Dustdevils Helping Dustdevils

Every donation matters. Your generosity provides students with food and help with housing, childcare, gas, and other basic needs.

Help Dustdevils get through difficult times and stay on track for graduation by giving today!